SOA meetings with key stakeholders
- Kidd, Denise
Notified yesterday put on PIP
Scott trying to understand directors are unhappy with some things falling through the cracks. Continuous onboarding of directors.
directors unhappy b/c due to individual circumstances (demotions
ARCH studios - assigned studios, hot desk studios increase in meeting patterns makes space-sharing complex
Work together on scheduling shared spaces
A lot of growth very fast
I’d like to see an org chart
Need an directors' ops calendar
Add Natalia as an additional stop in CLSS workflow after APCs add changes
APCs question why Natalia is trying to show them things to transition them off of her portfolio
Are the APCs Natalia’s team
Team meetings to coordinate initiatives and duties with Emily’s needs
Course CLSS data entry error, Registrar initiated errors, errors related to catalog
Summer minor scheduling is complex
Changing requirements can simplify or complicate processes
MArch degree - adv standing - do they need different major codes?
Checklist manifesto book
What processes need clarification/amendment to be more inclusive of Architecture's unique structure?
BTW, in my opinion, this is the least of your worries. We have unique needs in a few specific ways and most of those are where we are the most solid with you. The scheduling process for ARCH studios is solid and trouble free. We used to have more headaches with studio registration but we recently started to make inroads with the ability to request bulk-add drops.
There are some marginal improvements that we can make and I already have a list of those. Some are more urgent than others. Like decoupling DESG and ARCH courses in CLSS. I've tried before but it's apparently tied to a proliferation of departments issue on your end that I have not had the bandwidth to fully engage with. Another segregate our advance standing MArch and regular MArch so they can have separate major codes and separate audits.
But in general, Registrar specific tasks related to ARCH and PRES studio are in great shape. So I think this could potentially mean you can take these out of the scope of your work, although it might still be helpful for you to fully understand them for context. BTW. The confluence page I want to create for studio would answer all the studio process questions "soup to nuts".
Us organizing ourselves about what we need for DESG and SRED studios is another story.... But I don't see it as a registrar process issues. It's a lack of facilities issue. And a lack of us anticipating that lack of facilities and planning schedules as if magical rooms existed. Very hard for me to make the schedule "whole" when the space needs are impossible.
And that is one of our biggest pain points regarding studios/special need courses - lack of facilities. That is not solvable via a process, but is currently being conflated as a "scheduling process" problem. At least scheduling-adjacent. Because I'm both scheduler and TuSA classroom pool manager. And because the class scheduling team both posts courses and assigns rooms.
So back to the reason I wanted to make a post specifically about Architecture's "unique needs".
My caveat is to be skeptical of non ARCH programs using "but architecture is different - so my needs are special" to ask for special accommodations. Studio courses need special facilities. All other courses are no different from any other program. But our directors and faculty are used to our own classroom stock giving them some control, or illusion of control, over their class locations. Some of them, not all, expect the same flexibility to be accommodated while we are out of RMH and often don't adjust their schedules until forced to. IMO, Even the small percentage of often unreasonable requests, can delay scheduling unnecessarily. But my Dean works to accommodate them so we keep feeding the sense of entitlement. On the other hand, we are already too big for RMH when we return, so further encouraging that entitlement is not a good idea. It will make it harder for us to manage the RMH classroom stock in the long term.
That does not mean that negotiating something with the registrar/provost/facilities to allow us to have another temp spot for studios - like we had the Rathskeller this past year - would be a great short term solution. Any temporarily unused location will do, even if it's not the same one between now and out return to RMH. Even if that spot changes from term to term, as long as we can outfit it with the furniture and a/v we need. So I hope you include this spacial studio space request in your findings, but that's about it for our "special needs". Encouraging pickiness about other courses is probably not a process change we need to make, but an expectation reset. Ideally in a way that's not derailed by my Assoc. Dean being a pushover and wanting to please everyone.
Hailey, Angelle, Kyja
All offices in NOCHI
Overall clear view of registrar-related cycle. Registration, scheduling
Angelle - Architecture Barch, bsa, studios, higher number
hailey - specialized, design (UG), social innovation/entrepre SISE (UG)
kyja - specialized - sustainabale real estate (UG, GR), historic pres (GR certificate, GR degree)
What is Natalia’s role in relation to yours? Hailey - Directors and Natalia gives tasks, delegating and teaching. Hailey - Emily-Natalia, Directors. Angelle - Emily is boss, APCs are involved in a lot of activities.
The five of them rarely meet. Bi-weekly checkin to synchronize with Emily. Would like one-on-one meetings.
Angelle meetings with her program director - Emilie regularly and Natalia. Kyja, too. Hailey meets with Tiffany and Natalia.
Comfortable with registration
Kyja problems with workflow - don’t understand that timeline, what goes wrong, where she fits in. Feels very blurry.
Angelle - CLSS workflow feels funnel
Natalia has worked at the school a long time and she understands the connections and anticipating problems.
Studio preference survey in Qualtrics - could have been created much faster.
Process outweighs results.
Class scheduling - conflicts can come up (co-reqs)
Let them make mistakes, cannot be flexible in the moment
Use post-mortems to refine or define processes
Lead effectively and manage Natalia, but not letting her get put out to dry. More supervisor support.
Clarify priorities as they change.
Natalia needs her own assistant - her own APC. The recent growth has surpassed her capacity. Need to plan how to delegate with intention.
Make sure students are aware of them and how they can help.
They need to understand Natalia’s timeline and basic rationale for why and their role at each step of the timeline. Clarification of baton handoff.
A lot of growth fast
meltdown with relationship with directors - they say they’re doing what they’re supposed to, Natalia says they don’t and vice versa
Natalia not aware she is affecting people
Natalia - in-house registrar
What it looks like: there are things that have been released for apcs to do, there are some things that haven’t been transitioned yet. apcs can’t enter info into CLSS. this is more of a people problem. Problems with internal mechanisms
If people makes mistakes, Natalia feels she has to fix them.
Emily doesn’t meet with Natalia and APCs regularly, but meets with natalia often.
ELP emerging leaders program - Natalia participated - coaching for Natalia to catch on to social cues
Master scheduling spreadsheet - central internal document - goes into CLSS - spreadsheet formatting is fussy - maybe hide columns that directors don’t need to see. Give feedback to directors to let them know what needs to be changed, but Natalia missed the deadline.
Limited self-awareness
Tiffany - 14 years - design program director (new Fall 2020) - lots of growth, and curriculum changes - Hailey
Emilie - POP - Architecture traditional program - steady enrollment, more predictable - UG and GR (associate dir for grad advising) - Angelle
John - Real estate UG and GR - lots of growth (started as summer minor) - Fall 2020 launched Real Estate UG major - Kyja
Casius - Real estate GR since 2014 - pretty consistent enrollment - summer minor largest summer program at TU - Kyja
Casius - too many new tools, processes. Courses not posted until after graduation, so one was cancelled due to low enrollment. Difficulty in limited space. Still a lot of adjuncts, so scheduling conflicts.
John - mitigations - tried scheduling classes then find adjuncts, which is hard to do. Gone from a one or two program school to 5-6 programs. Have a clear course carousel.
Tiffany - excuses - saying my courses are entered because information is missing from other program directors. Courses not listed on time. Mistakes in published courses not getting fixed on time. APCs - refusal to train/access - request getting cancelled internally. Increasing credit requirements to 42 credits to increase content. Having to do a lot of petitions, but could be rectified with adjusting the course/audit.
Emilie - long delays require a lot of emails/meetings with frustrated students creating “drowning” work.
John - long-standing pre-reqs that disappeared causing problems with teaching and apologizing to faculty for unprepared students. Possible cultural issue - students and faculty used to having to be flexible, but that has ended.
Pre-requisite issue - pre-reqs disappear.
Weekly meetings with directors is too much. Natalia has an entanglement between personal and professional relationship.
They don’t want to be cruel, but over-reliance in neurodivergence
Directors meeting - agenda generated by Scott/Natalia
Individual meetings - need agendas
CLSS access - need this for APCs.
Need faculty assigned to sections for grade entry
Need updates to audits
The Need to understand the catalog cycle
NTC reviewing equivalency requests for course numbers that change?
Larger problem with managing people in the SOA.
Manager experienced with neurodivergent management
Centralized model may not be working
Maybe separate grad and undergrad programs
APC oversight Natalia trying to cover the gap from the lack of Emily’s oversight
Emotional outbursts in professional settings - may need mentoring and coaching
Not sure what the catalyst was for the significant change
Is there a way to get back on track with natalia in the position? no - maybe, with a strong hand
Do your job, not looking for optimizations
Try debriefs
moving logistics have been disruptive (furniture, files, etc.)