School of Architecture scope of work and conditions

School of Architecture scope of work and conditions


Denise Kidd


Tulane University School of Architecture

Scope of work/conditions

Services include:

  • Analyze School of Architecture needs within the scope of service of the TU Office of the Registrar

  • Identify and clarify Registrar business processes which support the needs of the School of Architecture

  • Propose internal processes to facilitate timely submission of School of Architecture service requests to the Registrar for fulfillment


A report of findings and recommendations will be submitted to the Dean of the School of Architecture no later than Monday, February 13, 2023. If desired, I am available for a meeting to discuss the report.



Meet with key stakeholders to identify pain points, unclear processes, and School of Architecture needs within the scope of the project


Identify and clarify existing Registrar business process to address pain points and needs


Develop internal processes to align School of Architecture needs and Registrar business processes


Prepare and submit the deliverable

Scope does not include

  • Implementation of internal processes

  • Tracking internal process effectiveness

