Productivity consultation - Christie
Christie and I met today so that I could learn more about her and her job. She has been in the position a few months and has learned a lot, but acknowledges she has much more to learn.
I share the concepts of capture, configure, and control:
Capture - a low friction space in any medium to collect information
Configure - organize responsibilities into categories (to be processed, needs follow-up, waiting to hear back)
Control - make a proactive plan to manage your time (time blocking). Creates consistency and reduces worry about open loops. Allocate your time rather than relying solely on to-do lists.
I also suggested sustainable daily routines at 2 or 3 times during the day to make sure she is confident in what she’s done, what’s left to do, and the status of things she’s waiting on.
Other topics discussed:
work/life boundaries
proactive communication with counselors prior to recruiting season
using Outlook to block time to give attention to what she needs to get done
exploring the use of alarms to help keep her on track when needed