Checking and modifying degree audit petitions

Petition statuses

Once a petition has been submitted, it will exist in one of four states:

  • Petitions awaiting approval

    • The petition has been successfully submitted and the change is in the Registrar’s Office queue to complete.

  • Petitions approved

    • The Registrar’s Office has acknowledged the petition and deemed it is an exception that can be processed. It does not mean that the exception has been applied to the student’s audit. Typically, approved petitions will be processed as exceptions in 2-3 business days.  Petitions noted as “graduating” will be expedited.

  • Petitions rejected

    • This state indicates that the Registrar’s Office cannot proceed with the exception. If a petition is submitted that is rejected, the Registrar’s Office will contact you directly.


  • Petitions applied as exception

    • The Registrar’s Office has applied the petition to the student’s degree audit as an exception.



You can filter for petitions in a specific state by choosing a status from the list as shown above.  The status of all petitions submitted for a student’s audit is shown in the “All petitions” view:


Modifying an existing petition

Submitted petitions that haven’t been approved, rejected, or applied can be edited from the Petitions menu.

  • Select the petition you’d like to modify and access the three-dot menu on the right. Select Edit petition.

  • Change the description as needed. When finished, click Save Petition.


Additional Notes

  • Petitions and exceptions are intended to be used sparingly for students. If batch exceptions, applicable to all students in a major or minor are required, please contact the Registrar’s Office for alternative methods to update the audit. For example, if a special topics course in one specific semester will count for all PSYC majors, it is easier and more equitable for the Registrar’s Office to update the audit logic rather than apply exceptions to individual students’ audits.


  • If a course does not appear on a student’s audit but is expected to appear, confirm that the course is pointing to the correct level of study. For example, if a 4 +1 student has taken a graduate-level course that should appear on the student’s undergraduate audit but is not appearing, contact the Registrar’s Office to review and correct the pointer. DO NOT SUBMIT A PETITION.


  • If a course is applying to multiple requirements in a student’s audit, but should only apply to one, please contact the Registrar’s Office directly about a possible sharing issue. DO NOT SUBMIT A PETITION.


  • If a petition needs to be deleted, please contact the Registrar’s Office directly. DO NOT SUBMIT AN ADDITIONAL PETITION.


  • Degree audit exceptions cannot override Banner data.