WGU's achievement wallet (digital credentials)
Learner owned record
209 skills - all viewable
Details, proficiency (self-identified), sources (education, resume, portfolio)
Can remove/hide skills to remove them from calculation
Can showcase and re-order your top 10 skills
Manage credentials
Can accept or dispute credentials
Learner has full control over accepting/adding credentials
Once accepted, it moves to the manage section with an active status
Institutions an remove credentials from learners, and it’s immediately visible to student.
Expiration dates can be visible - Can integrate with renewal options
Public/private badge - controls what’s searchable online/employer search apps
Self-asserted credential
can parse an uploaded document
enter credential details manually
import a link from credential provider
import via Canvas Badges
upload a JSON file
Canvas badges
houses credentials
Competency demonstration
Rich skill descriptors (skills architecture)
Library of skills
Can share/download easily
Occupations, alignments, standards, keywords, skill statement category
Career pathways
Up to 6 job roles
Visual indicator as to how they align to skills. Blue indicates deficiency, black indicates level of competency
Along pathway to a career, it indicates suggestion educational paths. If career path is computer engineer, there’s a suggestion for computer science degree and network engineering and security degree. Based on a variety of criteria.
job-to-job progression - relatable skills
Skills profile, job roles, education attainment levels, location, job growth, earnings (including median), companies looking to hire for a job role.
Student feedback
Students see that it helps to fill in the gaps. Show employers how degree aligns with current position.
Streamlined and output efficient. Validation to marketability.
Unified credential framework and digital credentials
Open data standards, repositories. Indiana achievement wallet - Ivy Tech working with Parchment for eDiploma.
Design narrative, understand your why
approach inconsistent
inconsistent badge design and data (unified design)
limited resources to issue and create digital credentials (how to scale)
ensuring market relevance - not creating just to create
UCF criteria needed to build a badge and why the criteria was selected. Master classes
Competency badge, certificate, certification, specialization, degree
Course titles, competencies
Skills library
Lessons learned
Have the right collaborators involved; all voices considered
Intake system to ensure alignment to UCF, design req.
Call to action for students - help students learn how to use them (resume, social media, etc.)
Embracing challenging concentrations
Know your why
Capstones of excellence awards to add to wallet