Streamlining VA benefits certification
National Guard, Reserves, Active Duty, dependents, Veterans
Apply for certificate from VA (golden tickets)
outlines benefits, months, percentage
Post 9/11 based on time in service on active duty (4 years 100%)
Student notifies institution they want to use their VA benefits
Institutions submits enrollment certification
VA disburses funds
Maybe use graphic on our website to demonstrate this.
Certification dimensions
how do we identify who is using beneifts
Orders, certificate of eligibility
Use declaration
Frevvo form
tracking system to ensure students know when their benefits are certified
establishes trust and loyalty
Temple’s system/process
Student portal > Student tools > GI benefits > certification information
Start here
Links, SCO contact information, declaring benefits for first-timers, declaring benefits for returning, notes about dropping/cancellation of benefits
Student information
screen shot
Servicemember/dependent info
A profile (service member vs dependent)
Info from certificate of eligibility (any way we can get this data to auto-populate?)
Creates awareness for users to engage with their benefits if they have to type it in
Allows staff to verify to catch anyone who uploaded wrong cert or entered incorrectly
Upload documents
One-time upload
Can declare for a previous term
COE or eBenefits snapshot
Must be registered in order to declare yes
Request assistance
Form (can this be sent to SN or can we embed Frevvo?) to request help.
Student activity log
Digitized log of every action taken for and by the student for their benefits
Logs sent reminders (can we use Ocelot to text this?)
Certification IDS number - gives them a reference number if they need to call the VA
Staff view
Looks like SSB
Send automated comments and ad hoc
VA-ONCE information
820 benefits, 1900 military connected. May not be applicable to smaller schools
Makes compliance surveys easier
At what point are the tipping point for advocating for a portal?
Depends on university
Where are you?
In the registrar’s office
Use DocuSign to provide information, upload docs, ask them to list courses
Rate of pursuit
Institution full time may differ from VA full time
Banner, app is in-house, integrated with SSB, integrates with SalesForce
Pulling courses registered by term, and registration status?
Can see course schedule in benefits portal. Want to add a function to add a parent letter in the event of taking courses elsewhere.
Linking degree audit to portal for course applicability?
DARS, linking would be a nice upgrade
Smaller schools
Build your own within your own infrastructure. Get away from paper. Build within infrastructure, but automate as much as possible.
Does your portal feed into enrollment manager?
No, Entering into portal for the activity log
Do you find them requiring them to do this every semester a barrier for some students?
They only need to do is give consent to process benefits. Some students who are eligible may not want to use them. Some students don’t want to use it for undergrad but would want to defer benefits to grad program.
Activity log - disbursed information
The amount reflected is the amount disbursed to institution
Interaction with advisors?
Only involved when there’s trouble with courses or for parent institution letter
How many policies do you have that surround VA benefits eligibility and processes?
Not much policy. Staff can upload/declare with written consent via email on behalf of students.
SCO is in Registrar’s Office. (One school has it in Financial Aid). SCOs get questions that they can’t answer.
Buffer between students and SCOs. Answer the “where is my money”