Receiving a diploma for apostille and/or notarization
Scan or take a photo of the diploma and save
After scanning and emailing to yourself, open the email from the Xerox to open and view the PDF.
Once the document opens in Adobe, export the PDF into a JPEG image (so that it can be inserted into the Word diploma letter).
Save the scanned document or photo as the name of the graduate and the degree title (i.e. John Smith MBA) in Registrar > Apostille and Notary > Diploma Images for Notary or Apostille.
Taking a photo
You can use your phone to take a photo of the diploma. After emailing the photo to yourself, delete the photo from your phone and cloud account.
Download the image from the email and save the scanned document or photo as the name of the graduate and the degree title (i.e. John Smith MBA) in Registrar > Apostille and Notary > Diploma Images for Notary or Apostille.
Create a new letter
Open the most recent notary letter, found in the nearby folder, Registrar > Apostille and Notary > [Year] Letters.
Delete the previous diploma image located in the top right corner.
Insert the image of the diploma you just exported.
Update the content of the letter to match the details of the notarization.
Letter editing checklist
Every document must have its own letter for the Notary. Create another letter for a transcript or second diploma.
Save the document as the new graduate name (NOT the former graduate who was on the last letter) and the degree title.
Print the letter and get signatures
Print the document on Registrar letterhead.
Have the Registrar whom you named in the letter sign the document on their signature line.
Deliver (or have a student worker deliver) the documents to the Office of General Counsel on the third floor of Gibson, directly above the Office of the Registrar.
The documents will be notarized at the opportunity of the notary and returned to the Office of the Registrar.
The documents are now ready to be shipped to the next destination.
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