2024-11-09 Module 4 The Content Model
Content model
Documents types of content
Detailed definitions of each content type’s elements (metadata) and their relationships to each other
Provides the framework for organizing content for reuse/search/retrievable (findability)
Enables content labeling
Generates the components of templates and style sheets used to structure content.
Why is it important?
It influences and is influenced by the work of several disciplines.
It’s developed with a heavy influence by SMEs. We must understand that sites or systems are designed and optimized around content
Blogs - the unit is a post
SharePoint - the unit is a document
Web CMS - the unit is a webpage
Why it’s important to Info Architects and UI/UX Designers
Helps them make sure the page designs accommodate all the content types and guides the bits of text a nd media that will be available for the page
Designer uses the CM to support the content, layout, and functionality in the designs
High-to-medium level of detail is usually sufficient for designers depending on the complexity of the unit
Why it’s important to developers
Can understand content needs and requirements as they configure the system
Use the CM to adjust their approach to create the desired result in a way that’s compatible with the way the content is configured and the way the CMS/KMS works
Use the detail in the CM to interpret the content needs of the system and to support the needs of the content producers who use the system.
Why it’s important to authors and producers
They use the CM to understand the guidelines on what content to develop and what’s needed to get it into the system.
The CM must be intuitive and consistent for the authors and producer to be successful in their task.
Need to know the related content so that other content can be updated with one piece of content is modified.
Constructing the content model
Identify/document the domains of content (larger domains/areas of content: ‘laptops’, ‘auto insurance’)
Document the content types within the domain (personalized, commercial, antique/classic, motorcycle - types of auto insurance)
Document relationships between content types in each domain
Document relationships between content types located in other domains (knowledge < FAQ < auto insurance linked to personal auto insurance)
Document the rules that support all relationships
Document the metadata within each content type
Document user roles/access within the content model
Define all domains, content types, metadata, and user roles (consider defining as you build rather than waiting until the end)
What is an FAQ? for example
Take the time to do it right or take the time to do it over
Step 1 Content inventory - Domain: Knowledge
Step 2 Define the content types - lessons learned, job aid
Step 3 Build relationships between the content
Step 6 Metadata - descriptors
Knowledge asset attributes:
Knowledge type
content owner
content steward
retention policy
creation date
last publish date
archive date
review cycle
Exercise 2
Complete a content model for WCG KMS, download the visual program modeling tool (https://www.visual-paradigm.com/)
Content types: job aid, template, procedure, SOP, quick reference, plan, reports, process, presentation, FAQ, assessment, GAP analysis, training
Relationships - a GAP analysis and assessment are types of report, quick reference and SOP are types of procedure
Plan is standalone, as is template
Presentation is more high level and base a template on it.
Project content - report is a type of project content
Project content < Report < Assessment
Project content < Report < GAP analysis
Project content < Presentation < Executive/User/Steering Committee/Stakeholder
User Access < Project content < Presentation < Executive/User/Stakeholder
Knowledge asset < Lessons learned
Knowledge asset < Job aid
Report < Knowledge asset or Knowledge asset < Report
Models focus on the context of the content - based on how the content is used
How to place experts? Maybe user an expert finding capability, maybe place under users, maybe a content type with qualifications as the metadata, maybe tie to reports or training