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titleunder construction

TU uses two methods of adding transfer coursework to a student’s record: via the transfer articulation process and by adding to SHATRNS. The SHATRNS method is approved by exception only.

High level view

  • If not already in Banner, a new institution should be created

  • An institution must be set up as one from which TU accepts transfer work

  • Enter transfer coursework equivalencies for the institution

  • Create a transfer enrollment period for the student

  • Articulate the student’s transfer coursework

  • Distribution of responsibilities

    Depending on the student population, parts of the transfer articulation process are distributed as follows:

    The following is done by the Registrar (confirmed 5/31/22)

    Dual enrollment courses: after the above process is complete, go back to SHATATR and add the RTDE course attribute on any dual enrollment courses.

    Once NTC is trained, the Registrar will no longer do this.

    The following is done by Transfer Articulation (Admissions - Sarah Casbergue)

    Student populations: new transfer students, part of Spring Scholars

    The following is done by NTC Advising (Kevin Krivchuk and select others)

    Student population: new FTF students, Spring Scholars, NTC students who took courses elsewhere after matriculation

    Dual enrollment courses: after the above process is complete, go back to SHATATR and add the RTDE course attribute on any dual enrollment courses.

    Training will be provided in Summer 2022

    SoPA (Program Directors/Advisors)

    Student populations: all SoPA undergrad and grad students

    Training will be provided in Summer 2022

    Additional uncategorized notes

    titleAmerican Council on Education (ACE) coursework

    The American Council on Education (ACE) provides recommendations for applying non-credit training to academic programs.

    We require a transcript from the organization that offered the training, and not the credit recommendation from ACE, in order to post the credit.


    The following programs/offices do not use articulation, but rather enter coursework in SHATRNS:

  • MD/MPH


    See also: Transfer coursework governance


    1. Create new institution if needed (STVSBGI)

      1. Add address, phone number, and website (SOASBGI)

    2. Set up an institution as a transfer articulation institution (SOABGTA)

      1. Define transfer grades (SHATGRD)

    3. Enter transfer coursework equivalencies (SHATATR)

    4. Articulate transfer coursework for a student (SHATAEQ)

    Associated validation tables


    STVACPR: Acceptance code validation

    STVCALD: Calendar type validation

    STVTLVL: Transfer level code validation

    STVACST: Institutional accreditation status validation

    STVTAAU: Acceptance authority code


    Guiding principles >

    On this page

    Table of Contents

    Related topics

    Articulating multiple transfer courses to one TU course

    Articulating one transfer course to multiple TU courses

    Entering an articulation exception for a student (SHATAEQ)

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