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If the Registrar processes the articulation, NTC will send us a transcript and articulation form.

Transfer institution courses are entered in SHATATR. Transfer courses can be added one at a time with the equivalent course. Course articulations are valid for three years.

Enter the Institution code and Go

Before starting, you should have a list of transfer courses and their TU equivalencies.

SHATATR Key block

(If you don’t know the code, you can look it up by clicking the lookup button on the Institution field.) Go.

Enter transfer course information

If you cannot find the transfer institution in Banner, submit a School Code Request to the Registrar’s Office via ticket. If the transfer institution is in Banner, but you encounter any other error messages, contact the Registrar’s Office.

Transferring Course block

Click Insert in the Transferring Course block and enter the following information:

  • Term: If student’s enrollment term has not yet occurred but is within 6 months, use the student’s starting TU enrollment term as the beginning term for the course in SHATATR.  Most courses in SHATATR should be associated with a fall or spring term. Only use the summer term if the student is beginning at Tulane in the summer.

titleExample term scenarios


  • Student’s initial enrollment term is 202230.  The course is approved during May or June 2022.  SHATATR term should be 202230 since the course was approved within 6 months of student’s enrollment term and we should not use the summer term.  Evaluate in SHATAEQ as normal.

  • Student’s initial enrollment term is 202310.  The course is approved during June 2022.  SHATATR term should be 202310 since the course was approved within 6 months of student’s enrollment term.  NOTE: If another student with an earlier (202230) enrollment term needs the same approval and we have evidence that the course was approved within 6 months prior to 202230 term (aka not approved in January 2023) send to Sarah—along with the original approval—to change the start term in SHATATR.  This will cause the course to expire one semester earlier than initially anticipated for the 202310 student.  Evaluate in SHATAEQ as normal once Sarah changes term information.

  • Student’s initial enrollment term is 202220.  The course is approved in April 2022.  SHATATR term should be 202220 since the course was

  • Indicate equivalency

  • Expand
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    Enter transfer course details

    Click into the Transferring Course Details block and enter Disregard
    • approved within 6 months of student’s enrollment term and student is initially enrolling in the summer term.  Evaluate in SHATAEQ as normal.

    If student’s enrollment term has already passed or is the current term in question, use the current or upcoming semester ( if done in the summer and student did not start in the current summer term) TU term as the beginning term for the course in SHATATR.  If enrollment term has passed, course will need to be posted through Override/Edit in SHATAEQ for the student in question, but the 3-year validity period in SHATATR will begin at the term of approval for future students.If enrollment term is concurrent with the term of approval, evaluate in SHATAEQ as normal. 


    • Student’s initial enrollment term is 202210.  The course is approved during September 2022.  SHATATR term should be 202230 because student’s enrollment term has already passed and course was approved during the current fall term.  Course must be manually posted in SHATAEQ as an Override/Edit.

    • Student’s initial enrollment term is 202210.  The course is approved during July 2022.  SHATATR term should be 202230 because student’s enrollment term has already passed/is not summer enrollment and the fall term is the upcoming term after a summer approval.  Course must be manually posted in SHATAEQ as an Override/Edit.

    • Student’s initial enrollment term is 202210.  The course is approved during April 2022.  SHATATR term should be 202210 because student’s enrollment term is concurrent with approval term. Evaluate in SHATAEQ as normal.

    • Student’s initial enrollment term is 202220.  The course is approved during June 2022.  SHATATR term should be 202220 because student’s enrollment term is concurrent with approval term and the student’s enrollment is for the summer.  Evaluate in SHATAEQ as normal.

    If a student’s enrollment term is more than 6 months away (e.g. gap year students), use the closest upcoming non-summer TU term as the beginning term for the course in SHATATR.


    • Student’s initial term is 202330.  The course is approved in June 2022.  SHATATR term should be 202230 since the approval is more than 6 months prior to student’s enrollment term and we should not use summer terms.  202230 is the upcoming non-summer TU term closest to the summer approval. Evaluate in SHATAEQ as normal.

    • Student’s initial term is 202330.  The course is approved in November 2022.  SHATATR term should be 202310 since the approval is more than 6 months prior to student’s enrollment term.  202310 is the upcoming non-summer TU term closest to the November approval.  Evaluate in SHATAEQ as normal.

    • Indicate equivalency. Click in the Equivalent Exists field and select the appropriate value.

    Details section

    Enter the following:

    • Level

    • Status

  • Minimum grade (always “C (2.0)”)

      • Grad programs and SoPA select AC

      • NTC status depends on if the course has been reviewed by faculty.

    • Minimum Grade (C for UG and B for GR/PR)

    • Leave Transfer Low and Transfer High

    • blank.

    • Save.

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    Complete the

    Equivalent Course and Equivalent Course Attributes blocks

    • Add the TU course subject and number. Title and credits will auto-fill.

      • For RLST 2910 or other courses with a subtitle, enter the subtitle in the Title field.

    • It’s possible for one transfer course to be equivalent to two separate courses at Tulane. See: Articulating one transfer course to multiple TU courses.

    • Equivalent course attributes

    should ExpandImage Removed
    • will auto-fill.

  • If you need to enter attributes, save what you’ve done so far. Click into the attributes block to enter.

    • Save.

    Image Added

    (warning) All courses should be entered, regardless if the courses will be accepted, not accepted, or still need to be articulated.

    Next, articulate the coursework in SHATAEQ

    Additional notes

    For all courses input, enter Level UG, Status AC, IN, SY, or PN, Minimum Grade C, and Credits Low as the credit hour amount listed on the transcript

    Articulating an Approval

    • Ensure term is correct (it should be the term of matriculation for the student, but within reason.  If student will not be matriculating within a few months of approval, use the Spring or Fall term at time of approval)

    • Indicate Yes for Equivalent Exists and ACfor Status

    • If course is equivalent to two or more TU courses, use an And connector and input the credit breakdown for each TU course in the Credits Used cells

    Articulating a Denial

    • Ensure term is correct (it should be the term of matriculation for the student, but within reason.  If student will not be matriculating within a few months of approval, use the Spring or Fall term at time of approval)

    • Indicate No for Equivalent Exists and INfor Status

    Articulating a Group

    • All courses within a group should use the same Group number, using the next available number for each new group.  First course taken is the primary course.

    •   The primary course should have the primary box checked, a Yes for Equivalent Exists, and an AC for Status

    • The approval should also be listed in the Equivalent Course section of the primary course only. 

    • Remember to input the total number of semester hours (converted, if necessary) from all group members into the Credits Used cell.  The second (and third, etc.) course should have a Not Reviewedfor Equivalent Exists and an AC for Status

    • Use an And connector in the Equivalent Course section if the group is equivalent to multiple TU courses and input the credit breakdown for each TU course in the Credits Used cells

    For courses where two different articulations are approved for the same term, use an Or connector.  If two different articulations are approved for different terms, create a new instance of the course with a new term.

    Equivalent Exists Indicators


    Course is Approved

    Should always use Status AC (with exceptions for articulating a group)


    Course is Denied

    Should always use Status IN

    Not Reviewed

    Course Does Not Have a Decision

    Should always use Status SY or PN (with exceptions for articulating a group)


    Status Indicators


    Course is Approved

    Course is approved and valid for three years from listed term date


    Course is Denied

    Course is denied; if seeking re-evaluation, create a new instance of the course with a new term


    Course Needs Syllabus for Review

    Student must submit syllabus and articulator will send syllabus off for faculty review


    Course is Currently Under Review

    If term is from a previous semester, review is likely incomplete and should be treated as a course needing a syllabus for review

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