Getting it all done manifesto

  • Capture - a low friction space in any medium to collect information

  • Configure - organize responsibilities into categories (to be processed, needs follow-up, waiting to hear back)

  • Control - make a proactive plan to manage your time (time blocking). Creates consistency and reduces worry about open loops. Allocate your time rather than relying solely on to-do lists.

Daily routines

Morning routine

Midday checks

Shutdown ritual

Morning routine

Midday checks

Shutdown ritual

  • Review calendar

  • Plan the day

  • Prepare for meetings

  • Email

  • Teams

  • Email

  • Teams

  • Adjust plan

  • Track time

  • Email

  • Teams

  • Organize notes

  • Identify action items

  • Review calendar

Allocate time for “rain delays”

Allocate one hour per day as unstructured, uncommitted time. This allows time for things that you previously scheduled, but were unable to get to due to the chaotic nature of the universe.

Face the productivity dragon

Sometimes there’s not enough time to get everything done, meaning you will need to start work earlier or continue later than usual.

Review meeting notes

2x per week review meeting notes to pull out deliverables. As work is done and prior to the next meeting, add progress notes to the upcoming meeting agenda.