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This article covers the basic Banner screens used in the process of preparing records for graduation.

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SHAGAPP is the Banner screen where a student’s graduation application is stored.

  • A student completes a graduation application by visiting the link found in their Gibson Portal, bringing them to where their SSO connects them to their active programs in Banner.

    • More information for students on how to apply to graduate can be found in the Graduation Application Instructions, which are stored on the Registrar website under “Student Resources.”

    • This information is fed from the GradApp to Banner; any updates made to the SHAGAPP within Banner will not reflect on the GradApp, should the student return to check it (an updated address, for example, will not appear on the student’s view, even though you have made the changes in Banner.)

  • Updates can be made to the following fields:

    • Graduation Status: AG - Applied to Graduate; WP - Walking Participant; WF - Walking in Future.

    • Graduation Date/Year

    • Attend Ceremony - refers to the Unified Ceremony only.

    • Diploma Name

    • Diploma Address

    • Graduation Application Status: AC - Active Application; IA - Inactive Application (CANNOT be undone.)

  • Updates cannot be made to the Graduation Term. The first term listed will always be read as the true term of an application, causing other Banner processes to malfunction. If a change must be made due to error in term selection on the GradApp, the SHAGAPP must be deleted and the student sent back to the application online to reenter.

  • To generate data in the screens SHAGAPP, SHADIPL, and SHADGMQ, you will click “create/update degree record.”

    • This is also accomplished when the Appworx Job known as “roll to outcome” is run, creating the graduation sequence from SHAGAPP for all active apps in the current term. This job is run at the start of Exam Week.

    • Any updates to the diploma name or address should be followed by clicking the “create/update” button to ensure that the changes make it to the final order sheet.

  • Information about manually entering an application from Banner can be found in the instructions:


SHADIPL is the screen where the student’s Diploma Name and Address are stored. This feeds information into SHADGMQ and into the Cognos Report used to create the Diploma Orders en masse after conferral.

  • The final information used for creating the diploma name and address will come from this screen. It is helpful to update both SHAGAPP and SHADIPL, but SHADIPL must be updated in order for the diploma order to be correct once generated from Cognos.

  • Click + Update Address to be brought to the address portion of the screen.


SHADEGR is the screen where the degree information is stored. While this screen can be manipulated in full by Registrar staff, there are many portions of the screen which can be accessed by the schools/advisors, in order to include certification and honors information. Staff outside of the Registrar access this by using SZADEGR, a more limited view of the degree information.

  • The outcome status indicates whether or not the degree record has been awarded:

    • AW - awarded; can be verified to inquiring parties and will appear on the transcript.

    • SO - sought, but not yet awarded; cannot be verified and does not appear on the transcript.

  • The information in the fields on most of these screens are fed directly from the SHAGAPP or other areas of Banner. Manual updates on this screen are highly unusual - it is recommended that any changes necessary be made by deleting the entire graduation sequence, creating a new SHAGAPP, and creating a new degree record, for consistency in the record.

  • The information on the Honors and Dual Degree status screens should be updated here or in SZADEGR.

  • The information on the coursework screens is fed from other areas of Banner.


SHADGMQ is the degree summary screen. This screen is populated by information from SHADIPL and SHADEGR, giving a summarized view of the degree(s) a student has earned.

  • No changes can be made directly to this screen - it is a summary screen.

  • This screen can be directly called up by entering SHADGMQ into a search field on Banner; or it can be accessed by clicking the ellipses … on SHADIPL and SHADEGR.

    • It is recommended that you select the graduation sequence each time by using the ellipses and accessing SHADGMQ to ensure that you are looking at the right degree record.


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  • Changes to the curricula must be done after removing any graduation screens active on that curricula.

    • If a student has multiple programs, and is making a change to a program that does not have an active graduation application, no changes need to be made to an active SHAGAPP for other programs.

      • Example: a student is currently applying to graduate for a Bachelor of Science in Management; the School of Business is making a change to the Master of Accounting curricula they are also working on - nothing needs to be done to the SHAGAPP.

      • Example: a student is dropping a minor from the BA degree they are pursuing; they are also pursuing a BS. The SHAGAPP will need to be dropped from the BA degree, and then reinstated after changes are made; the BS SHAGAPP does not need to be touched.

    • When a student is dropping/adding majors and minors, making catalog term changes, or other updates to programs they’ve already applied to graduate for, the graduation screens need to be removed.

      • we should require the student to reapply online, once the change has been made. The student needs to acknowledge via the GradApp the update they’ve made to their program; this also decreases the margin of error on diploma name and address, which is entered by the student this way, instead of a Registrar staff.

      • Delete the SHAGAPP and instruct the Advisor/Program Manager to make the changes necessary, and send the student back to the GradApp online after the changes have been made.

      • Changes made after the SHAGAPP has already been “rolled to outcome” and the SHADEGR/SHADIPL have been created must include a deletion of those screens as well; it is likely the online GradApp will also be closed at this time for the term in which they are graduating, so the application will need to be reentered manually by Registrar staff.

    • Changes which need to be made due to staff error can be considered for reentry by staff instead of the student, if the advisor or registrar feels that the student should not be required/involved.

  • Remove the SHAGAPP by clicking “delete” in the upper right corner; reserve any diploma name or address information by taking a screen shot of that section of SHAGAPP, if you intend to restore the application manually rather than having the student reapply.

  • If there are already active SHADIPL/SHADEGR screens attached to the SHAGAPP, they will also need to be deleted in this order:


      • If there are honors or dual degree information attached to the SHADEGR, those will need to be deleted before the entire SHADEGR can be deleted. Write this information down or take a screen shot, should you need to restore that information once you recreate the graduation sequence.

      • If the degree has already been awarded, but you are required to remove the degree records for some maintenance before restoring it, you must change the AW status of SHADEGR to SO.

  • After the Roll to Outcome / Exam Week begins, you will need to restore all of the graduation sequence manually. BE SURE to take screen shots! Some of this data may be stored in the GradApp, but any updates made since the original app was entered will not be stored, so you should still take screenshots.



 Accessing SHAGADR

SHAGADR is the screen where the rules for the Graduation Application appearance live.

  • The terms which are active for the GradApp online are controlled by SHAGADR dates. The start date is the date which a term appears, and the end date is the last day a term will be available online.

    • The general rule is as follows: the current term and the next term are available for applying online to graduate. If it is Spring, the Spring and Summer Terms are available.

    • The GradApp opens for the next term and closes for the current term at the beginning of exams, or two weeks prior to graduation in Summer. If it is time for Spring exams, the Spring term is now closed; the Summer and Fall apps are now available.

  • These dates must be maintained by the Registrar staff and added for at least the next year each Spring.



 SHAMDEG Screens

SHAMDEG allows a manual mass awarding for students with degree records in the same term. While we use an Appworx job to award the majority of the degrees before the conferral date, there can be large numbers of awardings that need to be done manually after the date, during addenda. The Associate Registrar for Student Services may elect to use SHAMDEG to award multiple degrees at once.

  • When we save at the end of selecting all of the students we’d like to award, the degree status on SHADEGR will update from SO to AW.

  • Occasionally, if we fail to enter the correct data searching for the applications or preparing the changes we’d like to make, it will not save, and you may have to enter all of the awardings manually. Be sure to take your time during the use of this screen.




SPAIDEN holds the phone numbers for the Diploma Order - DP_Phone, which is only obtained through the GradApp online entry. If you’d like to save a DP_Phone when entering an app manually, you will do so in SPAIDEN.

Adding a diploma order phone number (SPAIDEN)

SPAPERS - Supplemental Data


SPAPERS holds the phonetic pronunciation information for the student’s diploma name, should they enter it on the GradApp. It can be manually added in SPAPERS as well, which is accessed in SPAIDEN under biographical, and more information.


COGNOS is the Reporting System used for accessing Banner data in bulk. Reports regularly used for graduation include (but may not be limited to):

  • CR-DEGR-008: Degree Checkout - This report details in full the information about a student and their program, the diploma name and the diploma address and phone, the application date, the status, the permanent address and phone, the advisor, the cohort, etc. It is the most complete set of data regarding a student who has applied to graduate and is used to proof the information about the upcoming degree to ensure accuracy before conferral and diploma printing.

  • CR-DEGR-011: Degrees Awarded for Diploma Printing - This report generates a diploma order in the formatting required by Paradigm. While some editing and preparation must still be done after the report is generated, for the most part, the order is ready to be submitted to Paradigm with this information.

  • CR-DEGR-010: Grad App Error Checking - This report supplies information about the graduate applicants who may be missing credit hours, grades, or dissertation information. It is a tool used to prepare for conferral by catching records that need updating or repair before conferral date.

  • CR-REGR-037: Grad App with DA Hold Info - This report details the current term’s graduate applicants and the existence of their DA hold. It shows all applicants, and whether or not they have a DA hold, the hold which prevents graduates from registering in a future term.

  • CR-DEGR-015: DA Hold with Grad App Info - This report details the currently active DA holds and whether or not an application is on file, and for which term. It is the opposite view of the REGR-037.

  • CR-DEGR-003: Commencement Attendance and Counts - This report details the current expected attendance and breakdown of counts for the upcoming Unified Ceremony (Spring Only).

  • CR-DEGR-014: OA Holds - This report details the currently active OA holds, which prevents students from accessing the online graduation application until their school or advisor allows for it to be accessed.

  • CR-REGR-054: Degree Post Check - This report details the active SHADEGR records and allows for the comparison of awarded, and sought/certified or sought/uncertified degree records. This is a useful tool during conferral to confirm degrees are accurate and to prepare for manually awarding them after conferral during addenda.


This is also called the “Scott Report.” We use this report to error check sought, awarded and certified records in Banner.


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