Click your name in the upper right corner to reveal a menu. Select Administration.
In the Administration pane, click General Security to expand the menu. click on System Users. You will see a list of all of our users. Disabled users display in red.
From the top menu bar, click Add User. You will see two options of user types. There doesn’t seem to be a difference between User and Limited System Administrator in this context, so click either option.
Complete the fields as follows based on the example. Click Save when finished.
User Name
Full Name
Mickey Mouse
Email Address
Password, Confirm New Password
We use a default password of “password”. Give this to the new user.
User checkboxes
Check the following boxes:
User must change password at next logon
User can change password when desired
Administration Rights checkboxes
For those who are Users only, no boxes should be checked.
For System Administrators, select the System Administrator box, which automatically selects Workflow Administrator, Capture Administrator, and E-Form Administrator boxes, which is correct.