Get finalized academic calendar from Colette
Checklist and combo of calendar
Meredith’s Timeline for CLASS SCHEDULE: Box\Registrar\Class Schedule\Timeline for CLASS SCHEDULE (general, annual) - 1-19-2022
Is Meredith’s format appropriate for the other areas? Could we get everyone to add in their dates?
Colette’s Fall 2021 Calendars Post Ida models (in Box)
Can’t overlap dates within a fall, spring and summer. You can have modules (winter session courses). It’s okay as long as the students taking those course won’t be taking an intensive course and registered for a course in the previous term for Financial Aid.
CEP - committee on educational policy - they approve holidays, start/end dates. Then Financial Aid reviews it. Then Provost makes the ultimate decision. CEP approves calendars by email vote; they meet at least 3 times per semester. CEP includes faculty from all schools, students, goldman rep, etc. Colette provides 2 versions of the calendar to CEP for review.
The minimum number of weeks is 14 - must have 14 of each day for once per week courses. Minimum number of total MWF is 40 and minimum TR is 28. In a state of emergency, we don’t have to follow those exact rules (because we can supplement with online instruction) Class meeting Weeks have to be at least 15 and FA weeks must be 15. FA weeks takes exam end date minus start date divided by 7. class meeting Weeks = # days/7. (# days = last day of classes - first day of classes + 1) SOATERM dates - financial aid weeks.
Don’t count breaks, but count holidays
Note, but don’t calculate, last day of class, study days, final exams, degree conferral.
Big changes in CEP are we have eliminates Yom Kippur, Good Friday. Hope to continue full week of spring break - dependent on Tulane. Continue Thanksgiving as a full week.
Need approval for proposed commencement dates
Would like 3 years of projections, but Provost is hesitant to post more than one year.
Dept of Ed during COVID is allowing minimum 30 FA weeks per academic year
Makeup days - not in current spreadsheet, but a good idea to include them so they’re approved by CEP
Study days can be converted to class days.
Colette will create Box folder with calendar stuff. Colette will need to make sure the proposed commencement dates on the proposed calendar are applicable.
Summer - FA begin and end dates don’t overlap w/previous spring or upcoming fall
As long as contact hours are met, the 15-week rule doesn’t apply. (is the minimum 13 weeks? Colette to check)
Another method of calculating FA not based on 15 weeks. Modular rotation - they can use that for certain pops as long as those pops would never be taking other courses. We facilitate this by not allowing students to register themselves (they don’t get time tickets).
We can start on the 2024 calendar.
Process, policy, big picture (DoE, FA rules)