Transfer coursework is evaluated by faculty with expertise in the course’s subject area. Faculty who evaluate transfer coursework are appointed by the dean of the school , and serve in this capacity for a limited term. A list of appointed faculty is maintained by the Office of the Registrar.
Transfer coursework is evaluated to be Faculty evaluators may approve transfer coursework as equivalent to a specific TU course or as , assign general transfer credit for under a given subject code, or deny credit if the coursework does not meet the university’s academic standards or curricular requirements.
For example:
ANT 101 from XYZ University is evaluated as equivalent to Tulane’s ANTH 1010,.
PSY 234 from XYZ University doesn’t have a TU equivalent course, but the evaluator determines that the course can be given general transfer credit as PSYC 1940.
Who enters transfer coursework
FirstNewcomb-Tulane College enters dual enrollment credit for first-time-in-college NTC students' dual enrollment coursework is entered by Newcomb-Tulane College students and continuing Newcomb-Tulane students who complete transfer coursework after matriculation.
The Office of Undergraduate Admissions enters transfer Newcomb-Tulane College Transfer NTC students' coursework is entered by undergraduate admissions .
SoPA enters SoPA undergraduate and graduate students' coursework is entered by SoPAGraduate students' coursework is entered by the .
The Office of the Registrar enters graduate students' transfer coursework.
When coursework is entered
Generally, coursework is entered when faculty return evaluations to the requesting office, but the offices have each office uses different practices.
FTIC NTC students' coursework is entered immediately before the first term of matriculationNewcomb-Tulane College enters transfer credit in the first active semester after the transfer credit has been completed.
First-time-in-college students' transfer credit is entered in their first semester.
In the case of deferrals, coursework is entered immediately before the “deferred to” term.
A common example of mid-matriculation transfer coursework is students completing transfer coursework during the summer. In this case, if the student returns in the fall, the transfer coursework is entered in the fall.
Transfer NTC students' coursework is entered upon offer of admission.
SoPA students' coursework is entered ???
Graduate students' coursework is entered during the first term of matriculation.
In the case of deferrals, coursework is entered in the “deferred to” term.
Validity Period
Course articulations are valid for three years from the term the equivalency is approved by faculty.
Expired Articulations
If a student reapplies after the three-year period has lapsed, previously articulated courses will require re-evaluation.
The re-evaluation process will use the most current syllabus and course materials, which may result in a different decision regarding equivalency.
If a student defers their admission, previously articulated courses that expired during the deferral period period…
The three-year validity applies to all transfer students, regardless of their intended program or term of entry.
Students will be informed if their articulations have expired and will be provided with instructions for submitting updated course materials for re-evaluation.
Consistency Across Records
Expired articulations are archived to maintain a clear and auditable record of the initial decision. New articulation approvals will replace previous ones once re-evaluation is complete.