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Articulation and roll to history of transfer coursework for a specific student is done in SHATAEQ.

noteComplete the SHATAEQ key
titleStudents started in DARS who need updates

Students with pre-existing transfer coursework entered in DARS cannot be altered in SHATAEQ and new transfer coursework must be entered in SHATRNS.  For coursework that needs to be added, edited, or deleted for a student whose coursework was initially input through DARS: send to the responsible party (NTC or SoPA) for addition, edit, or removal in SHATRNS. SHATAEQ will be bypassed altogether and updates done directly in SHATRNS.


Prior to articulating coursework, enter transfer equivalencies in SHATATR.

SHATAEQ Key block

Enter the student’s ID and transfer institution number. Go.

  • If you don’t know the institution number, click the lookup button on the Institution field and select “View student institutions (SHQTRIT)”. Click on the record to select and click SELECT. Click Go.

Complete the Transfer Articulation Evaluation block

  • Term

  • Transfer Group

  • Level
    titleTransfer coursework in history error

    If you see this error:

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    1. From the Tools menu (upper left in the purple bar), select Equivalent Roll Info.

    2. In History Indicator, select Delete from History. Save.

    3. Tools > Perform Unarticulation. SAVE.

    Transfer Articulation Evaluation block

    The Transfer Articulation Evaluation block can be thought of in two horizontal halves: the left half represents the coursework as it is on the transferring institution’s transcript and the right half represents how it’s applied to the TU record.

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    Insert excerpt
    Entering transfer coursework equivalencies (SHATATR)
    Entering transfer coursework equivalencies (SHATATR)

    • Transfer Group (Used when articulating multiple transfer courses to a single TU course. See also: Articulating multiple transfer courses to one TU course)

    • Level (to which the credit will apply)

    • Course subject and Course number from the original transcript

    • Grade

    • Credits (auto-fills)

    • Leave Transfer Duplicate blank

    • Title (auto-fills)

    • SAVE

    • Repeat this step for each course.

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    Making an exception to override a previously-articulated course

    There are times in which you need to make an exception for a student to allow a course to apply differently than how it was articulated.

    Review the course in SHATATR to determine the equivalency status.

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    After entering the transfer course from the transcript:

    • In the Articulation Ind field, click and select Override Edit. Selecting Override Edit allows you to manually change the right portion of the screen to align with how the course

    . ExpandImage Removed
    • should be applied for this student.

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    • Manually enter subject, course, grade (TRF), mode (0), and course title of the TU equivalent. the level, credit hours, and title will auto-fill. SAVE.

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    Select the Tools menu from the purple bar. Under Options, select Perform Articulation from the Tools menu. SAVE.

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    titleSee a demonstration of Perform Articulation

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    Roll to history

    Next block to the Equivalent Roll Block.

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    Note that you can see total hours rolled here.

    Choose Roll to History from the History Indicator drop down menu in the Equivalent Roll block. SAVE.

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    titleSee a demonstration of rolling to history
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    It may take up to 5 minutes for the transcript to refresh.

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    When reviewing the degree audit after articulation, click the Process button to refresh the audit.

    Making changes to a student’s articulation

    In SHATAEQ’s
    1. Tools > Equivalent Roll

    1. Info.

    2. In the History Indicator drop-down, select

    1. Delete from

    History from the
    1. History

    Indicator drop down
    1. . SAVE.

    2. Tools > Perform Unarticulation. SAVE.

    3. Make changes

    4. Tools > Perform Articulation. SAVE.

    5. Roll to History. SAVE.

    More about articulation

    • When you perform articulation:

      • Y displays in the Articulate Indicator field.

      • N will display if no articulation is performed.

      • Overriding articulation requires you to

    enter a value of O
      • select Override Edit in the Articulate Indicator field.

    • When you un-articulate:

      • Y becomes null

      • O does not change

    • All records with N are not unarticulated, as no articulation was previously performed

    • When courses are rolled to history, they are no longer visible in SHATAEQ. To make changes, they must be deleted from history. That will put the courses back into SHATAEQ for changes.

    • When doing an unarticulation/rearticulation job, it only affects the Institution you are you actively working on in Banner.  Multiple Institutions must be unarticulated/rearticulated in their own Institution screen in SHATAEQ.

    • Transfer courses do not have to exist on the Transfer Course Articulation form (SHATATR) to be entered on SHATAEQ.   If the course does not exist in SHATATR, then you must create the course by searching on the subject code and choosing the Define Courses option.  This will take you to the SHATATR form where the transfer and equivalent course(s) can be entered and saved.

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