The academic calendar is at the intersection of educational policy, process, and big picture initiatives (DoE, Financial Aid).
Meredith’s Timeline for CLASS SCHEDULE >
Is Meredith’s format appropriate for the other areas? Could we get everyone to add in their dates?
Classes cannot begin during one semester and end in the next semester. The exception to this (example EMBA) are students taking modular courses who aren’t taking courses within the normal semester. We ensure this by not allowing these students to register for classes on their own. (Note: they also won’t have a time ticket).
Review Process
CEP - committee on educational policy - they approve holidays, start/end dates. CEP approves calendars by email vote; they meet at least 3 times per semester. CEP includes faculty from all schools, students, Goldman rep, etc. Colette provides 2 versions of the calendar to CEP for review.
Financial Aid reviews it.
Provost makes the ultimate decision.
The minimum number of weeks is 14 - must have 14 of each day for once per week courses. Minimum number of total MWF is 40 and minimum TR is 28. Class meeting Weeks have to be at least 15 and FA weeks must be 15. FA weeks takes exam end date minus start date divided by 7. class meeting Weeks = # days/7. (# days = last day of classes - first day of classes + 1) SOATERM dates - financial aid weeks.
Course meeting count minimums
:M/W/T/R/F - 14
MWF - 40
TR - 28
Week count minimums
:Must have at least 14 Meeting Weeks
Meeting Weeks = (last day of classes - first day of classes + 1) divided by 7
Must have at least 15 Financial Aid Weeks
SOATERM dates determine the number of Financial Aid Weeks
Summer is not bound by the 15-week rule, but Colette thinks perhaps there is a minimum; she will look into this.
Semester “bleed”
Classes cannot begin during one semester and end in the next semester. The exception to this (example EMBA) are students taking modular courses who aren’t taking courses within the normal semester. We ensure this by not allowing these students to register for classes on their own. (Note: they also won’t have a time ticket).
Other Guidelines
In a state of emergency, we don’t have to follow those exact rules (because we can supplement with online instruction)
Don’t count breaks, but count holidays in non-meeting days.
Note, but don’t calculate, last day of class, study days, final exams, degree conferral.
Yom Kippur and Good Friday have been eliminated from holidays. CEP hopes to continue full week of spring break (dependent on Mardi Gras) and to continue Thanksgiving as a full week, so these should be accounted for in the calendar.
Dept of Ed during COVID is allowing minimum 30 Financial Aid Weeks per academic year
Makeup days - not in current spreadsheet, but a good idea to include them so they’re approved by CEP
Study days can be converted to class days.
A rule of thumb for developing the spring schedule is to take the commencement date and work backward, ensuring to consider Mardi Gras/Spring Break.
Ideally, it’s a best practice to have three years of academic calendars projected. However, the Provost is currently hesitant to do this due to recent events (pandemic, hurricanes).
Action Items
- Colette to confirm future commencement dates.
- Michael and Meredith to work on Spring 2023 calendar.
- Question: The academic calendar is the intersection of policy, process, and big picture initiatives (DoE, Financial Aid).