DRAFT Understanding pointers
“Pointers” indicate to which level a course points. All courses applying to a given level will be calculated into that level’s GPA. Courses may also be “double pointed” which means they count toward 2 levels and the grades are calculated in both levels' GPAs.
Interpreting pointers can be a valuable tool when troubleshooting courses that are missing from a degree audit. All courses with a given level will apply to the corresponding audit at that same level.
Levels affect students in the following ways:
A student’s level is a reflection of their primary program.
A student whose primary program is LABA_UG is an undergraduate student, and all of their coursework should apply to the UG level.
Primary program = SEMS_GR, student is a graduate student, all coursework applied to GR level.
When a student registers for courses, the level of the courses they register for usually automatically apply to the level represented by their primary program.
If their primary program level is not available at the course level in SCACRSE, they may need an override to register.
Upon registration, each course’s level is viewable in SFAREGS.