2022-03-22 Office Manager knowledge transfer: budget

2022-03-22 Office Manager knowledge transfer: budget

Attendees: Jennifer, Jade Stephanie, Denise

Annual budget

Budget process is very new. Proposal at the beginning of the fiscal year. Spreadsheet comes from Becky.

Estimated income comes from Cognos report

Check requests - if not paid for P card or T&E card

shopping dashboard > Forms OR Showcase >Check Request

Tubes are paid for with check request

Monthly budget

Jade will send Jenn her reminders of when to do this

It’s ok if individual natural accounts are negative - just need to provide a justification.

CIEE purchases come out of our budget and they reimburse us via EIT - reimbursed funds cannot be reallocated

Parchment, Paradigm require POs and a sole source letter

Temps are paid via Admissions - need a way to indicate how we track how much we spent

Need to transition Kentwood account to someone