SSB9 Recap
Faculty view of student information
grad app
degree eval CAPP
Class list
advisee list
drop roster
Web Tailor 8 moved to maintenance support (sunsetting)
Changes in GUACONF refresh defaults to 30 minutes
Student profile - largets
account summary, detail, info, payment history
student landing page
html driven
one role for student, one for faculty
needs to be customized - not so much different from Gibson
Student Profile
Element display configurable
test scores
links go to Banner or outside Banner
Element display can be configured by role - GUACONF
Don’t delete rows from GUACONF if you want to make an element not visible - blank out configuration value
Roles vs Persona
roles - SIAINST
fac adv
fac override
adv override
Text editor
Term is SOATERM max term (no terms are available - msg configurable in guainfo)
faculty - have to select term, curric/reg is term driven
Student notices
shows time tickets and pins
Prior ed and testing
displays any test scores in soawdsp - can configure
Addl links - guaconf
grad app
Card to show advisors
SGAADVR - can display as many as needed
contact information
Photos can be loaded
rules to display phone/addresses
can configure hierarchy of what to display
SIAINST for adding data about department, position
SOAFACS - security of who sees what
Notes added by advisor/faculty - can be displayable to students
Holds - give advisors access to end certain holds
SOAPHLD - establish which role can access certain hold codes
advisee search
Which advisors appear for students/which advisees appear for advisors - need to clean up/maintain sgaadvr
Email all advisees
Faculty class list
drop roster - open view roster information and they can drop students
GTVSDAX - set to allow students to see grades that haven’t rolled
Enrollment verification - same SSB8 functionality