Knowledge management: The journey of a small college
A lot going on in the higher ed job market, esp IT. 55% are leaving/considering leaving in near future or planning to retire soon.
Risk to institutional knowledge loss
explicit - easily codified/SOPs
implicit - practical application of explicit knowledge/detailed SOP
tacit - acquired from person experience (mentoring), difficult to pass on
Do you build or do you buy a solution? depends on your institution
They are using Atlassian’s Confluence (Metropolitan College of NY - Adrian Smith)
If users can’t find and apply knowledge, it’s not useful
How to encourage retrieval? Is it being used? Are the articles being updated
Implemented in only certain departments - mail, facilities, security, IR
Linking between multiple pages
Recall why decisions were made
Number of pages, content created, number of attachments, most recently edited, dustiest, most popular
Add to-do lists
Did you use to particular framework for taxonomy?
ID numbers should never be released via ticket, phone, or email. Students can access their ID numbers via Gibson. Students needing ID numbers for transcript orders can enter their SSN or 9 0's in the ID number field.