Knowledge management: The journey of a small college

Knowledge management: The journey of a small college

A lot going on in the higher ed job market, esp IT. 55% are leaving/considering leaving in near future or planning to retire soon.

Risk to institutional knowledge loss

explicit - easily codified/SOPs

implicit - practical application of explicit knowledge/detailed SOP

tacit - acquired from person experience (mentoring), difficult to pass on

Do you build or do you buy a solution? depends on your institution

They are using Atlassian’s Confluence (Metropolitan College of NY - Adrian Smith)

If users can’t find and apply knowledge, it’s not useful

How to encourage retrieval? Is it being used? Are the articles being updated

Implemented in only certain departments - mail, facilities, security, IR

Linking between multiple pages

Recall why decisions were made

Number of pages, content created, number of attachments, most recently edited, dustiest, most popular

Add to-do lists

Did you use to particular framework for taxonomy?