SACRAO - Cross-listings: usage, definitions, and considerations

Two or more sections are joined to represent a single class (disambiguate between “supersection” in Canvas)

Campus - where instruction is taking place and population of students

ins method - how content is delivered - f2f, ol, hybrid

schedule type - how course content is organized - lecture, lab, seminar

Why we allow xlist

  • allow students in different majors to pursue common academic interestes

  • promote collaboration among faculty in difff disciplines

  • slash-listing - ug/gr crosslists - give senrios the share the same class exp with grad students

  • space utilization

Problems with xlist

  • sometimes do not deliver same outcomes

  • scheduled together for instructor convenience

  • confusion about enrollment limits

  • potential to complete the same crosslisting twice under different courses resulting in dual credit (set up as equivalent to avoid this)

Problems with practices

  • mismatch between ins method, schedule type and core designations

  • coding definitions not developed

  • potential delivery of grad/doc level content to ug and vice versa

  • lack of enforcement capabilities

  • errors reported by IR about faculty load and course evaluations

New guidelines

  • identify valid xlist categories and create governance

  • review and discuss academic pace and schedule oversight body (deans, schedulers)

New xlist categories

  • cross subject

  • online

  • 4/500 level

  • honors/non-honors

  • activity, performance or studio

Cross-subject listings

  • traditional

  • two ore more courses in different fields

  • same level

  • defined as xlistings at catalog level

  • set as equivalent in SIS

  • identical instructors, meeting patter, sched type, ins methods, credits, and core designations match

Online campus designation

  • accommodates need for depts to offer sections of same ol course to different pops of students

  • helps ensure accuracy of billing and fee assessment for students in ol and main campus programs

  • both sections have to be online

  • section restrictions in tact when schedulers xlist in CLSS

4/500 listings (slash listing)

  • allows xlisting of senior 4 level courses with master’s 5 level courses

    • no other grad/ug combos are allowed

  • courses must be identified as xlisted at cat level and set as equivalent

  • syllabi are separate and distinct to identify differences between gr and ug

  • identical ins, meeting patter, sched type, ins method, and credit hours

  • mutual exclusion is a registration check/form is tricky, so equivalence is preferred


  • allows xlist of honors/nonhonors

  • courses must be defined as xlist at the cat level and set as equiv

  • syllabi should identify broader enhanced scope of content, experience, and assessment for honors

  • identical ins, meeting pattern, schedule type, ins methods, credits, core

Activity, performance or studio

  • acoomodates courses offered within aps schedule type, art music, drama, and design classes

  • many aps courses utilize the same physical space with is limited in capacity for practical instructional purposes

  • courses in xlists do not need to be equivalent and do not fulfill the same program requirements

  • meetign pattern, location, and instructor must be identical

Implementation and enforcement

  • informed colleges/depts before term roll

  • schedule type reconciliation through course inventory

  • rules added to clss

    • enforce requirements for identical course level, credits, ins method, sched type, 4/500 level listings, meeting pattern

    • course title conflict warning

    • sections violating these rules cannot be pushed to Banner from CLSS


  • set a framework for judging appropriate xlists

  • xlists should be categorized and well-defined

  • collab with colleges, depts, and committees is essential

  • enforcement mechanisms should be put into practice

    • term roll parameters

    • proactive error reporting

    • communication

  • periodic review and revision

Other notes

  • xlists are defined at catalog level and submitted via course inventory form

  • Set at catalog level as equiv

  • in CLSS, must define parent/child, but Banner does not show parent/child relationship

  • They don’t have a problem with depts forgetting to xlist cross-subject listings

  • WL purge well in advance of beginning of term due to payment deadlines/orientation

  • They do link lecture and labs

  • in progress repeats report - identifies students who already have credit for one course and are registered for the xlisted

  • Can you put a limit on the number of xlisted courses? No - Rice has had 16, one person had 6. Used if you have a lecture and then multiple discussion sections based on major