
I survived and thrived through my first census. Although, I think we could benefit from documentation on how we prepare.

I’ve been able to spend more time lately on meeting with departments, which I think will give us some future gains. I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

I received feedback from Mike Pilman yesterday that our incident-based fulfillment creates a barrier between him and our staff. I acknowledged his thoughts and let him know he can always contact me directly. I also explained our theory that having access to the full scope of our work will increase our overall effectiveness and reinforced my offer to help him any time he needs it.

I now have access to the 95 and 94a report and scheduled weekly maintenance for Fridays.

By the end of this week, I’ll contact all users on the list of RITMs that are still open to make sure they have what they need. I’m doing this because I was informed this week of a Banner access request opened on 9/1 that had not yet been fulfilled. Banner access for new users has become problematic. Because I’m not informed when an user submits a form, I rely on the community to report to me. Next week after the data migration, I will propose a new model for fulfilling these requests:

Form submission assigned directly to me → I verify FERPA training and Banner training → I re-assign to Security to create the new account and include notes about which classes should be added → Security reassigns to Banner Support

I contacted Carlos Le to better understand what happens to duplicate ID email accounts after they’re inactivated in SPAIDEN. I want to avoid disruption in access to content in the duplicate ID email inbox.

Had a great meeting with Steph D earlier this week about some report needs.

This week I’m resolving outstanding curricula.

This month I’m working researching FERPA presentations and developing our own.

I’m playing with quick flows in Banner to optimize and standardize some of our work.

In terms of team engagement, I’ve re-engaged the team on the web infrastructure for our website. I will solicit feedback one more time in November.

Later on this month I’ll do a check in with individuals about their progress toward our commencement issues.

I have some new documentation on cleaning up learner records for deferred students.