Entering enrolled credits for students using VA benefits
Log in to AccessVA
Click SSOe.
Click Sign in with ID.me.
Click Accept.
Enter your email address and password. Click Sign in.
Select a multi-factor authentication method. Click Continue.
Click Open Enrollment Manager.
Identify previous beneficiaries or add a first-time benefits user
Click the hamburger menu on the right (button with 3 lines) and select Students.
You will have two options to search:
Search my students, which should be used to identify students who previously used benefits at TU.
Enter the first and last name and apply the filter.
Search all students, which should be used for students using benefits for the first time, whether at TU or elsewhere.
If the student is in the VA system, their name will populate. If not, create a new student profile.
If the student has never used VA benefits, there will be no matches. It’s important to search for students and confirm they aren’t in the system prior to creating a new profile.
Click Create a new student profile.
Select ‘Tulane University of Louisiana’ (code 31800118) from the School drop down menu.
Select from the options in the Training type, Objective type, and Program drop down menus.
Click Save.
Click Add student.
Enter the enrolled credits
Click the Add enrollment button.
Click in the Enrollment name field. Select the appropriate part of term.
Enter the number of in-person (“Resident”) and online credits.
In the Tuition & Fees amount field, enter “0.00”. Remember, in this phase we are only reporting enrolled credits and not tuition and fees.
Click the Submit enrollment button.
Click on the carat to expand the section to reveal the enrollment history.
On the record you just submitted, click View details.
Click Print.