Maintaining citizenship, visa type, nationality, and program duration for international students (GOAINTL/GOASEVS/SPAIDEN)
Any changes to Citizenship or Visa type should come to us from OISS. If a student contacts us directly, either refer them to OISS or contact OISS to confirm the student’s request and documentation is valid.
Citizenship status is maintained in SPAIDEN in the Biographical tab.
If a student needs to change their citizenship to U.S. citizen, they should provide citizenship documentation such as a passport or social security card OR review GOASEVS to determine if OISS has already made the change there.
Change the value in the Citizenship field to Y.
GOAINTL: End active visas date based on the student’s request OR GOASEVS date stamp.
If a student needs to change their citizenship to permanent resident, they should provide their permanent resident card as documentation OR review GOASEVS to determine if OISS has already made the change there.
Change the value in the Citizenship field to R.
GOAINTL: End active visas' dates based on student’s request OR GOASEVS date stamp.
Add a new visa type with Start Date based on student’s request OR GOASEVS date stamp.
Visa Type
Visa type is maintained in GOAINTL in the Visa tab.
If a student is changing to a Visa type other than J-1, F-1, or PR:
OISS will provide confirmation that the change needs to occur and related documentation.
Delete the current Visa record by clicking the Delete button and Save.
Click Insert and add the new Visa type and Save.
Upload communication from OISS and documentation to BDM.
If a student is changing to Visa type J-1 or F-1:
OISS will provide confirmation that the change needs to occur and related documentation.
Delete the current Visa record by clicking the Delete button and Save. (Banner won’t let you add a new visa type without removing the existing record.)
Refer to Entering J-1 student data in Banner, Entering F-1 student data in Banner to enter the J-1 or F-1 data in GOAINTL/SPAIDEN; OISS handles the GOASEVS entry.
If a student has become a permanent resident:
They should provide their permanent resident card as documentation. OISS will provide confirmation that the change needs to occur and related documentation.
Delete the Visa record in GOAINTL by clicking the Delete button and Save. (Banner won’t let you add a new visa type without removing the existing record.)
Then, add the PR Visa type and Save.
Also change the citizenship to R in SPAIDEN > Biographical tab > Citizenship
Upload communication from OISS and documentation to BDM.
If a student has become a U.S. citizen:
They should provide citizenship documentation such as a passport or social security card. OISS will provide confirmation that the change needs to occur and related documentation.
Delete the Visa record in GOAINTL
Delete the value in Nationality tab > Nation of Citizenship field.
In SPAIDEN > Biographical tab > Citizenship field change the value to Y.
Upload communication from OISS and documentation to BDM.
When updating data, always make sure the nation and birth of citizenship and program dates exist. Under the Nationality tab, check that Nation of Birth and Nation of Citizen fields are filled. If the student has not yet been admitted to a future or current term, it is okay if these fields are empty. If the student is admitted, contact the admitting office to enter.
Nationality (Nation of Birth, Nation of Citizenship)
Nation of birth and nation of citizenship ('Nation of Citizen') are maintained in GOAINTL in the Nationality tab.
Nation of Birth and Nation of Citizen should already be in Banner for students on F1 and J1 VISAs. Contact the admitting office to enter if missing.
If a student has become a U.S. citizen, remove the value from the Nation of Citizen field. Also delete the Visa record from the Visa tab and then change the SPAIDEN Citizenship to Y.
Program Duration (Program Begin and End Dates) - OISS does this
Program Begin and End Dates are maintained in GOASEVS in the common Data tab.
The begin date should be the first day of orientation and the end date should be the anticipated graduation date.
Sample Cases
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