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Degree Works at a Glance

Degree Works is a degree audit software that uses dynamic logic to evaluate what degree requirements a student has completed and what is still needed.

The Audit
The audit is comprised of the header and various blocks that make up the student’s degree requirements.

The Header

At the very top of the audit is the header. Here relevant student data appears. Included is a degree progress bar. The bar is a visual representation of how many requirements the student has met/will meet with their in-progress courses.

The Blocks
For each degree a student pursues, they will see the following blocks: Degree, Newcomb-Tulane Core Curriculum, School Requirements, Major(s), and Minor (if applicable).

The Degree Block drives the audit. It will only be complete if a student has completed all the requirements for the degree, including core, school, and major requirements. Credit, residency, and any cross block requirements (for example, the Freeman GPA are found in this block.


The Newcomb-Tulane Core Curriculum Block covers the core.


Incomplete requirements will show advice that lists courses that fulfill those requirements (courses with a “@” is a wildcard). Clicking on any course still needed will open a window with its current course information.


The School Requirements Block breaks out school specific requirements from the Newcomb-Tulane Core.


The Major Block covers the major’s requirements. Please note, Degree Works cannot enforce the overlap restriction between multiple majors.


At the bottom of the audit, courses that do not apply to specific requirements are collected. Courses counting towards the student’s degree that do not apply to a specific requirement appear in “Other Courses Applying to Degree.” Courses that are insufficient, illegally repeated, or incomplete will appear in “Withdrawn, Failed, & Repeated Courses.” Excluded courses (for example, if a student exceeds 9 credits of non-NTC classes or CDMA in the business school) will fall to “Courses Not Applying to Degree.”


Questions, Answers, Comments, Concerns, or Errors?


Searching for students

When logging into Degree Works, students you are assigned to as an advisor should populate in the select student drop down: 

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Additionally, from the advisor tab, you can select “View Audit” which will open the student’s audit directly in a new tab. 

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If working within the audit, you can quickly go to a student’s audit by entering the ID directly and pressing “Enter” (or “Return”)

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If searching for a student (or a group of students) the advanced search option allows you to search based on various pieces of information. 

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The “@” symbol can be used as a wildcard in the first/middle and last name field: 

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It is strongly recommended that you use as much information as possible to filter students – the maximum number of students that can be returned using the advanced search is 750. Degree Works will only return the first 750 students. 

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Accessing petitions

Petitions allow departments and schools to apply coursework on an exception basis. While the degree audit lists requirements for students, often exceptions, substitutions, or waivers can apply on a case-by-case scenario. To accommodate these, Degree Works includes a petitions feature. Currently, access to petitions is reserved for Academic Advisors and graduate coordinators. If you feel you should have access to the petitions feature, please contact the Registrar’s Office. 

To access petitions, click on the three dots above the header: 

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Click on “Petitions” 

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Viewing existing petitions

This will bring up a dialog box of all current petitions for a student: 

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Adding a new petition

Click “Add a New Petition.” This will create a free form text box that allows you to describe what needs to happen within the audit. 

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When entering a petition, please use the following syntax. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE EMAILS OR EMAIL THREADS DIRECTLY INTO THE PETITION

  1. Note if a student is planning to graduate this semester by starting the petition with “GRADUATING” 

  2. Note the exception type

    1. Waiver/Waive –This waives a requirement. This does not change the number of credits required for a major or minor. 

    2. Apply Course – Please enter the subject, course number, section, and semester (if needed) of the course to applied to a requirement. 

    3. Allow Course – This will allow a course to appear as an option to satisfy a requirement in a future term. This should only be used for coursework a student has not registered for or received credit for.

    4. Change Course Limit – Some majors or minors require a minimum or maximum number of courses/credits with a certain quality (i.e. a minimum of two courses with the NSCI prefix). This overrides that minimum or maximum

    5. Substitution – This is typically used for study abroad equivalencies. This is an exception to say that course taken (Course A) is equivalent to course B and will be considered by the audit in any requirement that course B would. For these, please include a section and term of the course taken.

    6. Other – When in doubt, use other and describe what must be done. For very complex exceptions, please consider opening a Registrar Service Ticket instead. 

  3. Note the block and requirement that is being modified. All that needs to be entered is the requirement number/name listed. 

  4. Note who has approved the exception and when it was approved. 

  5. Click the Save Petition button when finished.


In this example, we submit three petitions for the Dance Major below: 

  1. We will waive Req. 1 – Performance I 

  2. We will apply a course to Req. 3 – Dance Pedagogy 

  3. We will modify the number of credits needed in Req. 11. 

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Modifying existing petitions

Submitted petitions that haven’t been approved, rejected, or applied can be editing from the Petitions menu.

  1. Select the petition you’d like to modify and access the three-dot menu on the right. Select Edit petition.

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  2. Change the description as needed, and when finished, click Save Petition.

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Viewing a petition’s status

Once a petition is submitted it will exist in one of four states: Waiting, Approved, Rejected, or Applied as Exception. 

The status of the petitions will appear when clicking on “Petitions”.

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This state indicates that the petition has been successfully submitted. It is part of the Registrar’s Office queue. 


This state indicates that the Registrar’s Office has acknowledged the petition and deemed it is an exception the Registrar’s Office can process. It does not mean that an exception has been applied. Typically, these will be processed as exceptions in 2-3 business days, unless noted as “graduating” which are expedited. 


This state indicates that the Registrar’s Office cannot proceed with the exception. If a petition is submitted that is rejected, the Registrar’s Office will contact you directly. Copying and passing an email thread into a petition is a reason for a petition to be rejected. 

Applied as exception

The Registrar’s Office has applied the petition as an exception. 

Additional Notes

Petitions and exceptions are intended to be used sparingly for students.

  • If batch exceptions applicable to all students in a major or minor are required, please contact the Registrar’s Office for alternative methods to update the audit. For example, if a special topics course in one specific semester will count for all majors, it is easier and more equitable for the Registrar’s Office to update the audit than apply exceptions. 

Exceptions cannot override Banner data.

  • If a course is flagged as insufficient, no exception can apply that course to a requirement. If a course that is insufficient needs to apply to a requirement, contact the Registrar’s Office, do not submit a petition. 

If a course does not appear on an audit and is expected, confirm that the course is pointing to the correct level of study

  • For example, if a course taken as an undergraduate as part of a 4+1 program is not appearing on the undergraduate level but should, contact the Registrar’s Office to review and correct the pointer if necessary. Do not submit a petition

If a course is applying in multiple requirements, but should only apply to one -

  • please contact the Registrar’s Office directly about a possible sharing issue. Do not submit a petition.

When the Registrar’s Office manages exceptions, each petition exists in isolation of any other previously submitted.

Please do not reference previously submitted petitions – instead, follow up with the Registrar’s Office directly. 

If a petition needs to be deleted, please contact the Registrar’s Office directly.

  • Do not submit an additional petition. 

Connect with us

Use our Registrar Support Form to reach the Degree Audit team in the Registrar’s Office.

On this page

Table of Contents

NTC Salesforce petition submission form


From Whitney Richards in NTC on 4/16/24:

At last, we are ready to roll out the online process that students will now use to submit NTC Core Curriculum Substitution Petitions.  It will look almost identical to the process that we use to send a CAR petition to a student via Salesforce.  It will also use a similar workflow that can be followed so advisors are aware of the status of the request.


Moving forward, please follow the instructions below when a student requests to submit a petition for a course to satisfy an NTC core attribute:


  1. From the student’s record in Salesforce, click the Compose button on the Email tab.


  1. Click the “Insert Template” button, “Insert a Template”.  Choose "Core Curriculum Substitution Form" template from the

Academic Advising Email Templates folder.


Just for reference, I've included the email template that will populate when the student is sent this specific request.  Feel free to modify as needed.


"As we discussed, please click on the link below to submit your petition to the Newcomb-Tulane College Core Curriculum Substitution Committee. Please ensure that all fields are complete and that you provide a detailed rationale for the chosen course to fulfill the requested core requirement. After you submit the petition form, including a complete syllabus, I will review it to ensure the information is complete and forward to the committee for evaluation. Once it has been reviewed by the committee and a decision has been reached, you will receive an update via email regarding the status of your request.


Link to: Core Curriculum Substitution Petition


"This petition link is unique to you and cannot be forwarded to another student."


  1. Click the Send button to send the petition form to the student requesting the core attribute consideration.


Advisor: Review Petition & Submit for Committee Evaluation


  1. Once the student submits the "Core Curriculum Substitution Form", the advisor will receive an email notification that an NTC Advising Forms record has been created. Follow the link in the email to view the submitted form.


  1. Advisor is responsible for reviewing the petition to ensure that all course information is accurate, that a full syllabus is included in the uploaded documents section of the petition, and that the student included a statement in the rationale section of the petition that the faculty can review to understand the student's request.  If the student is petitioning to have an attribute added to a Tulane course, advisors must first verify that the course does not already carry any conflicting attributes that would disqualify it from review. (For instance, SOCI 3040: Social Statistics already carries the social/behavioral perspectives attribute, it cannot be petitioned for additional math/natural science attribute consideration.)


  1. Once the petition information has been reviewed and is accurate, please use the workflow path to mark the status path to "Liaison". Lastly, click the "Mark As Current Status" button, which will then trigger a message to those of us who are responsible for vetting, reviewing, and uploading these petitions to the committee for review. 


At this point, we are working to finalize the steps of the workflow once the petition is submitted and reviewed, so please bear with us as we work through streamlining this process, which is being done first and foremost, to eliminate more work on your part.  The idea is that students will begin receiving notifications/decisions not directly from advisors, but from a general NTC-petition email address informing them of the decision.  We’re working to ensure this is done properly and effectively to avoid causing concerns and panic among any students, and to minimize the amount of back-and-forth that advisors are currently having to do to negotiate the process from start to finish.


I will be providing additional updates about the notification system that will be used for these decisions moving forward, but we want to go ahead and begin using this new process to allow students and advisors the flexibility to submit forms in this streamlined process.  We would like everyone to follow the process outlined above starting immediately.  Thanks to Q for working helping us perfect the Formsite form that students will use and setting up the entire process that we will all use—yay, Q!!  I think it will very much improve how these requests are processed and I hope you agree.  It is possible that we’ve missed something, so don’t be shy.  Suggestions are welcome with this trial run! 


Though we would appreciate you not completing the petitions on behalf of your students, I am providing you with access to the general form (in Formsite) that students will complete upon receiving the link through the SF email.  While exceptions can be made for advisors to complete these, but the faculty always prefer to have the student submit these requests on their own, if possible. Please review the information required in the form and how awesome it is 😊.  Note the different types of fields required when the different course types are selected (Tulane, Tulane Study Abroad, Transfer coursework, Non-Tulane study abroad).


Please tell me what information is still needed to make this work better for you.  I very much hope that we have developed a better process that will provide you with the time to have more meaningful conversations with your students!


Lauren Briggs, Katie, and I are all working as a team on these—so feel free to reach out to any of us with questions, concerns or recommendations about the process or any specific student situation.