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FTF Pre-registration Notes

For admission purposes a student’s interest is recorded in Banner as the field of study/major. Prior to


pre-registration, students that respond to the survey with a change in interest will have their field of study/major updated in Banner. For students who have changed their major, a change of program may also be required. Results of the survey can be downloaded into an excel spreadsheet. The initial survey results download can be found by clicking the Initial Survey Results link. After the initial survey results spreadsheet has been downloaded, use the New Survey Results link. This will download any new survey results that have been entered since the Initial Survey Results have been downloaded.

Understanding Tulane Banner configuration of Curriculum

  • The curriculum is the program defined as: School + Degree + Level (e.g.,  LABA_UG), followed by the field of study/ major(s) and minor(s) (e.g., ENGL=English)

  • Programs, majors, and minors are assigned priorities in increments of 10, 20, 30 etc. ; priority 10 program is the primary program, with a priority 10 primary major. 

  • The primary major must be in the program’s school (e.g., the primary priority 10 program is LABA_UG, the primary priority 10 major must be in the School of Liberal Arts, could be ANTH, COMM, ENGL, SOCI, UNDL etc.

  • In order to associate an undeclared major with a college within the University, we have created specific “undeclared” majors to be used by each school.  For example , UNDL=Undeclared Liberal Arts, UNDB=Undeclared Business, UNDS=Undeclared  Science and Engineering etc.

Updating a learner record after confirm/deposit

Identify what is changing

  • Major

  • Degree

  • School

  • Both

Changing a major

In this example the student had declared an interest in Communication, and his new interest is in English. These two majors are in the same school (Liberal Arts), so we only need to change the major, not the program.



SGASTDN, enter the term and the student’s ID. Go.

Select the Curricula tab.


To update a student’s learner record,  you must create a new curriculum record by


clicking the Duplicate button




 The Banner Duplicate function


creates an identical record for you to be able to update.

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(1) Click


the next section button down to the Field of Study block. (2) Click Delete to remove the Communication major.

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(1) Click Insert to enter the new major. (2) In the Catalog field, enter 000000. (3) In the Field of Study block, type in the new major code, which is ENGL (English). The Department will auto-fill when you press the Tab key. Click Save.

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If the student has a second interest, which shows as a priority 20 major, leave it in place.

Review minors to make sure that there’s no duplication between a minor and major. If a student changes to a Sociology major and they have a Sociology minor, delete the Sociology minor.

Save. If you see an error indicating a mismatch between Field of Study and Department, bypass by clicking OK.

The following demonstrates how to change a major.

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Changing a program (school and degree)

In this example we’re updating the interest from English to Psychology, which requires a change to the program. The program for English is LABA_UG, and the program for Psychology is SEBS_UG. See also: Identifying a major’s respective school

Click Duplicate.

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(1) In the Curriculum block, click into Program field and (2) enter the new program. Retain the current Current Catalog term (should be the upcoming fall).

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Next block down into the Field of Section.

Review minors to make sure that there’s no duplication between a minor and new major. If a student changes to Sociology major and they have a Sociology minor, delete the Sociology minor.

Change the major code. Save.

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The following demonstrates how to change a program.

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If the student has a second interest, which shows as a priority 20 major, leave it in place.

Review attributes (ZZPM)

The ZZPM attribute indicates a student’s interest in pre-medical studies. See: Managing student attributes (SGASADD)

If the student is on the ZZPM list, but does not have the attribute, add it to their record. If the student is NOT on the ZZPM list, but does have the attribute, remove it.

Appendix A: Program strings and majors by school

Major-Minor-Certificate Coding Reference Banner

Appendix B: Identifying a major’s respective school

Access STVMAJR. Navigate to the major code you’re looking into. (1) Click on the major’s line and then (2) click on More Information under the top purple navigation bar.

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You will see the department and college/school ownership of the major.

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On this page

Table of Contents

Links to survey results