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Cognos reports

CR-DEGR-001 Degree Checkout

This report details in full the information about a student and their program, the diploma name and the diploma address and phone, the application date, the status, the permanent address and phone, the advisor, the cohort, etc.

It is the most complete set of data regarding a student who has applied to graduate and is used to proof the information about the upcoming degree to ensure accuracy before conferral and diploma printing.

Jana says she uses CR-DEGR-008 instead.

CR-DEGR-003 Commencement Attendance and Counts

This report details the current expected attendance and breakdown of counts for the upcoming Unified Ceremony (Spring Only).

  • Students who graduated in prior summer/fall and said they were attending spring commencement or they were unsure if they’re participation. We don’t count them if they indicate they’re not participating in spring commencement. Undecided = unsure

  • Does the grad app map anything to the No Response radio button in SHAGAPP? It shouldn’t!

  • Attendance indication: shbgapp_grad_attend_cde this is for unified attendance.

Degree Cert app (Commencement)

Edit Lists

  • Certified

  • Reading/marching

  • Times-Picayune

Print Lists

  • Certified

  • Reading/marching

  • Reading/marching cards

  • Reading/marching (Alpha sorted)

  • Times-Picayune

  • Program Report

Admin tools

  • Manage ceremony terms

  • Manage Commencement users

  • Multiple curriculum report

  • Incomplete grad app report

Buckets of students (reporting needs)

  • Did I graduate in the previous fall or summer? (for the commencement program)

    • If you have confidentiality flag, your name isn’t in the program, but you’re in the select for the report.

      • NEED TO VERIFY They are not in the Word doc output of the Program Report accessed in the degree cert tool.

  • Did I graduate in the previous fall or summer and are participating in the following spring ceremony? (may be how we’re using WF currently) → included in unified commencement participation reports CR-DEGR-002

  • Am I participating in the unified ceremony? (lives in Banner; if I’ve graduated in a previous term)

    • SHAGAPP radio button

      • If I’m not participating, it’s captured here, and those who respond not are not included in commencement participation reports

  • Am I participating in my school ceremony? (this data only lives in the grad app and NOT in Banner)

Possible change in processing between 2020 and 2021. 2020 list includes WPs but 2021 only shows AGs.

WP students graduating in a future term

WF students

How do the marching cards work?

  • If graduating previous summer/fall, will marching card print regardless?

What role does the WF play?

Questions from this session

  1. If a student graduated in the previous fall/summer, does a marching card print for them?

  2. Does the confidentiality flag prevent a student’s name from printing in the program list?

  3. What are each Cognos report’s logic?

  4. Identify the selects for each of the Degree Cert tool menus: Certified, Reading/marching cards, Times-Picayune, Program Report

  5. What role does the WF play?