Verify that the student has cancelled their admission in SAAADMS. If a student is deferring to a later term, their record is not deleted.
Drop/remove all courses, inactivate the student, and delete the registration record in SFAREGS.
Enter the term and student ID. Go. (If there are holds, type OVR in the Holds field.)
Next block.
Tab to the Status field and type DD. Delete. Repeat for each course. Save 3 times.
In the Student Term tab change the Student Status to IS (inactive). Save.
In the Registration tab in the Enrollment Information block, click Delete.
Remove all advisors in SGAADVR.
Enter the student ID and term. Go.
Delete all advisors. Save.
Remove all student attributes in SGASADD.
Enter the student ID and term. Go.
If there’s a code in the Student Cohort block, make note and stop here. If not, next block.
Click delete for each attribute in the Student Attribute block. Save.
Send the list of students Financial Aid (Tess Passey) to request that FA data be removed. She will reply to confirm she their data has been removed. STUDENT RECORDS ARE NOT REMOVED BEFORE APPROVAL FROM FINANCIAL AID.
Add the RR hold and enter the reason as “Admission cancelled [term]” in SOAHOLD.
Enter the student ID. Go.
Click insert. Select/type RR as the hold type. Tab. Enter the reason as “Admission cancelled [term]”. Save.
Send the list of students Financial Aid (Tess Passey) to request that FA data be removed. She will reply to confirm she their data has been removed. STUDENT RECORDS ARE NOT REMOVED BEFORE APPROVAL FROM FINANCIAL AID.
Delete the general learner record in SGASTDN.
If the student is deferring to a future term, do not delete the learner record.
Enter the student ID. Click Delete in the General Learner block.
DO NOT REMOVE the learner record under these circumstances:
If the student deferred to a future term (confirm in SAAADMS)
If the student has a learner record for a previous term