The charter begins with the official name of the committee and a clear statement of its purpose or mission. This section provides an overview of why the committee exists and what it aims to achieve.
Committee authority
This section outlines the authority delegated to the committee, including any decision-making powers, responsibilities, and limitations. It specifies the scope within which the committee can operate and make recommendations or take actions.
Graduate Student Records Maintenance team fosters meaningful two-way communication between the Office of the Registrar and graduate-level school program directors/managers within the scope of student record maintenance.
Committee authority
The Team’s authority is to provide new or improved business processes, procedures, guidelines, and tools that support student record maintenance. New or improved items should be inclusive while acknowledging and accommodating outliers.
Membership includes one representative from each university school offering at least one degree program at the post-baccalaureate level. Members should have experience in directly managing student records in the Banner Student Information System.
Members are expected to attend all scheduled meetings. Members unable to attend should send a designee in their place.
As needed, the Chair may solicit feedback from representatives of other offices, including but not limited to the University Registrar, General Counsel, and the Office of the Provost.
The charter defines the composition of the committee, including the number of members, their qualifications, and the process for selecting or appointing them. It may also include provisions for the removal or replacement of members and specify any required representation from different stakeholders or departments.
Roles and responsibilities
This section outlines the roles and responsibilities of committee members, including the chairperson or leader. It describes the specific duties and expectations of each member, such as attending meetings, participating in discussions, conducting research, and providing expertise or recommendations.
Meetings and reporting
The charter establishes guidelines for the frequency and format of committee meetings, including any special or emergency meetings. It may specify the quorum requirements, agenda preparation, and procedures for decision-making. Additionally, it outlines the reporting obligations of the committee, including the submission of regular reports or updates to the governing body or stakeholdersThe Chair is responsible for developing meeting agendas, securing meeting locations, and providing supporting materials as well serving as liaison to facilitate conversations between the Team and relevant stakeholders.
The University Registrar will review proposed new items and changes to existing items to provide feedback and advice. Items include business processes, procedures, guidelines, and tools that support student record maintenance.
The Note-taker will document discussions during meetings, distribute notes post-meeting, and provide administrative support to the Chair as needed.
Members will:
Distribute relevant information from the group with appropriate school stakeholders.
Collect feedback and gather insights from school stakeholders to present to the group.
Collectively develop and implement guidelines, procedures, and tools to support record maintenance.
Work as a group or in smaller teams between meetings to make progress on identified priorities.
Meetings and deliverables
The Team will meet monthly through the end of 2023 (with the exception of August 2023).
Meetings will be in-person and Zoom will be available for each meeting. Each meeting will have an agenda available beforehand, and meeting notes will be distributed after. Agenda items should be submitted at least 2 business days prior to the meeting.
The Team makes decisions by consensus and indicates additional needs outside of proposed new items or improvements.
In collaboration with the Chair, the Team will provide deliverables in the form of tools (if needed) and documentation of processes, procedures, and/or guidelines. The Team will submit deliverables to the University Registrar for review and feedback.
Resources and support
This section addresses the resources, budget, staff, or administrative support allocated to the committee. It clarifies the extent to which the committee can access necessary resources to fulfill its responsibilities effectively.
Duration and review
The charter indicates the duration or term of the committee's existence, whether it is ongoing or for a specific period. It may also include provisions for periodic review and evaluation of the committee's In January 2024, the Chair will review the Team’s performance, effectiveness, and relevance , as well as the process for potential charter amendments or dissolutionto determine if the Team should be continued, changed, or dissolved.
Amendment and approval
The charter should outline the process for amending the charter itself and obtaining necessary approvals, such as from the governing body or relevant stakeholders. This ensures that any changes to the committee's structure or responsibilities are made through a formal and documented process.