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See also: /wiki/spaces/REGISTRAR/pages/129892376


Missing prerequisite

Students receive this error when attempting to register for a course when they have not completed, or received credit for one or more of the pre-reqs set up on the course, or (usually when it’s a foreign language class) they have not received placement in the course.

To trouble shoot, first check the pre-reqs set up on the section in banner in SSAPREQ (you will need the CRN). This screen will show all pre-reqs and placement requirements set up on this specific section. You can then confirm with the student whether or not they have met all of the pre-requisite/placement requirements.

If a student believes they have completed all of the requirements, but is still receiving this error, you can check their full course history in banner to see whether or not they have completed all of the requirements. You can see a full history of courses a student has completed in SHACRSE. You can check to see if the student has received a language placement in SOATEST (both SHACRSE and SOATEST will require the student’s ID).

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If the student truly has not met the pre-requisites set up on a section, but would still like to register, they will need to contact the department to see if they are willing to issue them an override for pre-requisites so they can register for the class. Only the department that is offering the class can override a prerequisite.


Department approval/instructor approval restriction

Department approval/instructor approval is a special registration restriction placed on sections by the department. These restrictions apply for ALL students that want to register for the course and require the student to contact either the instructor of the class, or the department to receive an override so they can register. No student can register for a course restricted by department approval or instructor approval without contacting the department/instructor for approval.


No seats available

This means there are no seats left in the section. The student is welcome to reach out to the department to see if they would be willing to issue them a capacity override so they can register over the limit. Please be mindful of room capacities when working with capacity overrides (you can check a classrooms capacity using term preview in the schedule of classes).


Course conflict

Students receive this error when the meeting pattern of one or more of the sections they are attempting to register for either have an overlapping time, or have a start/end time that is the same (for example if the student is registered for ENGL 1010 MWF 10:00am-10:50am and would like to register for a lab that ends at exactly 10:00am on Mondays, they will be prevented from doing so).

The Office of the Registrar cannot override course conflicts without the approval of both affected instructors. To override a time conflict, the student must get approval of the instructors of both courses with the conflict by way of the course conflict resolution form. Once complete the student can submit the form to us for the override.


Max credit hours restriction

All students at Tulane have a maximum number of credit hours that they can register for in a given semester. For graduate students, this number is typically 30. For undergraduates, this number is capped at 19 credit hours* (undergraduates also have a minimum credit hour restriction; to remain a full-time student, undergraduates must be registered for at least 12 credit hours). If students attempt to register for more credit hours than their limit allows, they will be prevented. Undergraduate students, if they would like to have their max credit hour limit raised, need to get approval/permission from their academic advisor who can raise the limit. If the advisor is not willing to raise their limit, the student must drop another course to remain within their limit.

You can check a students max and minimum credit hours in SFAREGS, under the ‘registration’ tab.

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*NTC students are capped at 16 credits during priority registration to allow for more course options for those with later time tickets. After priority registration, max hours for NTC students is raised to 19 credits. For Spring 2023 registration, the cap will be raised to 19 on 11/21.


Closed section - seats reserved for waitlist

Student’s will receive this error when attempting to register for a seat in a course that is available for the waitlist only. The way Tulane’s schedule of classes functions regarding waitlists first involves a section completely filling. Once the section is full, students who wish to register for the class will add themselves to the waitlist.

When a seat becomes available in the class while students are on the waitlist, the first person on the waitlist will receive an email notice that they have 48 hours exactly to go and self-register for the course. While this student is within their 48hr window to register for the open seat, the schedule of classes will display 1 available seat in the course (the seat for the student on the waitlist). This sometimes leads to confusion with other students who are interested in the course, as they see an available seat, but get this specific error message.

To check and see if a seat is really available, or if someone is pending off the waitlist, take the CRN and go to SSASECT in banner, then go to the second tab (‘section enrollment information’). Here you can see how many people are ‘actually’ enrolled in the class, and how many are ‘actually’ waitlisted to confirm whether or not a seat is available for students not on the waitlist.


Class restriction

Class can be defined by Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, etc. status. Departments are free to exclude or include any of these groups as they want on their courses. You can check a student’s ‘class’ for the term they are trying to register for in Banner (SFAREGS), under the ‘Student Term’ tab. Class is determined by earned credits, not the number of years/semesters of enrollment at Tulane.

If the student gets a ‘Class’ restriction, they need to contact the department to see if they are willing to issue them an override for the ‘class’ restriction so they can register for the class. Only the department that is offering the class can override a ‘Class’ restriction.


Level restriction

Level is defined by undergraduate or graduate status. Departments are free to exclude or include either of these groups as they want on their courses. You can check a student’s ‘level’ for the term they are trying to register for in Banner (SFAREGS), under the ‘curricula’ tab.

If the student gets a ‘level’ restriction, they need to contact the department to see if they are willing to issue them an override for the ‘Level’ restriction so they can register for the class. Only the department that is offering the class can override a ‘level’ restriction.


Student attribute restriction

‘Student Attributes’ are added to student’s accounts, usually to denote membership in a particular sub-grouping of students (for example, students in the Honors college get the RHON [Honors] attribute added to their account in SGASADD. Another example is RALT (Altman Scholars). Departments are free to exclude or include any of these groups as they want on their courses. You can check a student’s active ‘attributes’ for the term they are trying to register for in Banner (SGASADD).

If the student gets a ‘student attribute’ restriction, they need to contact the department to see if they are willing to issue them an override for the ‘student attribute’ restriction so they can register for the class. Only the department that is offering the class can override a ‘student attribute’ restriction.


College restriction

College can be defined as Business, School of Professional Advancement, Public Health, Social Work, Law, etc.. Departments are free to exclude or include any of these colleges as they want on their courses. You can check a student’s ‘college’ for the term they are trying to register for in Banner (SFAREGS), under the ‘curricula’ tab. College is determined by the program the student is admitted to for that particular term.

If the student gets a ‘College’ restriction, they need to contact the department to see if they are willing to issue them an override for the ‘college’ restriction so they can register for the class. Only the department that is offering the class can override a ‘college’ restriction.


Degree restriction

Degree can be defined as Master of Social Work, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Finance, Doctor of Jurisprudence, etc.. Departments are free to exclude or include any of these Degrees as they want on their courses. You can check a student’s ‘Degree’ for the term they are trying to register for in Banner (SFAREGS), under the ‘curricula’ tab. ‘Degree’ is determined by the program the student is admitted to for that particular term.

If the student gets a ‘degree’ restriction, they need to contact the department to see if they are willing to issue them an override for the ‘degree’ restriction so they can register for the class. Only the department that is offering the class can override a ‘degree’ restriction.


Field of study restriction

Field of Study restrictions can be for either ‘majors’ or ‘minors’. For example, Accounting, English, Mathematics can all be ‘field of study’ restrictions for majors or minors. Departments are free to exclude or include any major or minor as they want on their courses. You can check a student’s declared majors and minors for the term they are trying to register for in Banner (SFAREGS), under the ‘curricula’ tab. Majors and minors must be formally declared by the student and listed in banner in order to avoid a ‘field of study’ restriction.

If the student gets a ‘field of study’ restriction, they need to contact the department to see if they are willing to issue them an override for the ‘field of study’ restriction so they can register for the class. Only the department that is offering the class can override a ‘field of study’ restriction. You may want to also ask the student if they have formally declared their major or minor by the time of registration.

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