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University-wide academic standing rules are not configured in Banner. Schools use their academic standing rules to manually record academic standing in Banner. All students are in Good Academic Standing unless otherwise noted.

Academic Standing is applied at the end of the term in which the student earned the standing. Use the Banner page SHAINST to enter end of term Academic Standing. The “end of term” standing refers to the term in which the student incurred the academic infraction, not the date in which a decision is made. Before you start entering the dismissal code, in SHAINST, make sure the student has no future registration. If there is registration for the dismissed term request that the Registrar’s office deletes the registration.

Viewing academic standing

Once academic standing is updated in SHAINST, it is viewed in SGASTDN in the Academic and Graduation Status tab.

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Understanding Academic Standing codes in SGASTDN

  • Academic Standing is effective at the end of a term

  • Academic Override is effective at the beginning of a term

In SGASTDN, if Academic Standing Override Term is the same as the Academic Term, the Academic Standing code takes precedence as being the most current status.

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A student is dismissed at the end of the spring term, the dismissal code is entered in SHAINST and it displays on SGASTDN. The student then returns in a future term, in SGASTDN he has an override to his academic status of dismissed and he is on probation. At this point SGASTDN displays Student status dismissed, override probation.

At the end of the override probation term, the student is permanently dismissed with an expulsion. In SHAINST for end of term we entered the status of expulsion. In SGASTDN the student displays academic status Expulsion and override remains probation. You may want to delete the probation so that only the final expulsion displays.

Maintaining academic standing

Update the academic standing

Academic standing is updated in SHAINST at the end of the term. In the key block, enter the ID and term just completed. Remember, academic standing is recorded for the end of term in which the infraction was incurred. Go.

Choose or type in the Academic Standing status for the end of term. Save.

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Update the student status

Update dismissed/expelled students' Student Status to Inactive (SGASTDN) for the term after dismissal/expulsion (first term of dismissal/expulsion).

Banner has a process that inactivates student status due to no enrollment. The job that updates student status from active to inactive due to no enrollment occurs after the last day to add courses in a term.

Waiting for the Banner process to update the Student Status to Inactive would not accurately describe the student status. As an example; a student is dismissed mid-May, and student status would become inactive mid-September.

  • It is assumed that the student is in good standing unless you enter an academic standing code.

  • View all academic standing codes by clicking the lookup button on the End of Term Academic Standing field.

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Add an advising hold to dismissed students' records

For informational purposes an Academic Advising (AD) hold should be added to the student record. If the student were to contact the Academic Advising Center, the hold will add clarity to the fact that student has been dismissed.

See: Viewing and managing student holds (SOAHOLD)

Academic dismissal and expulsion

Academic dismissals and expulsions are entered by the Office of the Registrar.

  • Expulsion from the university must be approved by the Provost.

  • If the student is being academically dismissed, we need to know for how many terms, or indefinitely.

Types of academic dismissals

  • NTC Honor board suspensions (we use the term “academic dismissal”) come from Celeste Lay or Rachel Champagne.

  • Quality of work suspensions and expulsions come from Kimberly Charlesworth.

  • Behavioral and Academic Separation (we use the term “student conduct suspensions”) come from Student Affairs/Student Conduct.

Academic dismissal and expulsion codes prohibit registration. Registration can only occur with an overridden academic standing in SGASTDN.

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  • Academic dismissal and expulsion statuses print on the advising/unofficial transcript and on the official transcript.

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NTC Honor board

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NTC Honor board suspensions (we use the term academic dismissal) are entered in SHAINST. (Drop students from their classes, check for advisor hold in SOAHOLD). We make the update in SHAINST if entering prior to the effective term, and we make the update in SGASTDN if entering during the effective term.

Enter the ID and term (term prior to the term in which the dismissal is effective, not including summer). Go.

  • For the term, use the last registered term prior to the term in which the dismissal is effective (not including summer). For example, if the term is effective Fall 2022, use Spring 2022. In our following example, the effective trm is Fall 2022, but the student did not attend in Spring 2022, and the last registered term prior to Fall 2022 was Fall 2021.

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Enter the End of Term code, which depends on the number of terms of dismissal. Click the Lookup/Search button to see all options. Save.

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Add a comment in SHATCMT.

Enter the ID, Level, and Term (use the same term you used in SHAINST). Use originator LGY5. Go.

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In the Transcript Comments by Term tab, enter the following comment “Academic Dismissal: Term Year”. Save.

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For multi-semester dismissals, enter the following comment “Academic Dismissal: Term Year, Term Year, and Term Year”, etc.

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Review the transcript to make sure the data entry is correct.

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Quality of work suspensions

See the table below for all dismissal codes in the Academic Standing Code Validation (STVASTD) table.

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Standing Code


Dean's List

Probation Indicator

Prohibits Reg


Good Standing





Academic Dismissal 1 Term





Academic Dismissal 2 Terms





Academic Dismissal 3 Terms





Academic Dismissal 4 Terms





Academic Dismissal





Continued On Warning





Dean's List










MD (M LVL) Dismissal





Academic Dismissal No Print





Placed On Warning















Discipline Suspend 1 Term





Discipline Suspend 2 Terms





Discipline Suspend 3 Terms





Discipline Suspend 4 Terms




Reinstatement after dismissal

Students reinstated after dismissal must be activated in SGASTDN

  • In the key block enter the ID and term. Go.

  • Click on the lookup button at the New Term line.

  • Select Create New Effective Term.

  • Enter the new term and update the student status to AS (active) and save.

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Override the academic standing

  • In the Academic Standing and Graduation tab, add an Academic Standing Override code. Use either good standing or probation as the override status.

  • The term entered in the Academic Status Override Term field is the new term you created in the previous step (the term for which the student is returning).

  • Save.

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Summary and notes

  • Make sure student does not have registration in the dismissed term, if so, the Registrar’s Office needs to delete.

  • Academic Standing-Entered in SHAINST, at the end of the term in which it occurred.

  • Academic Standing displays in SGASTDN, Academic Standing and Graduation Tab.

  • Students with the Academic Status of Dismissal in SHAINST should have an inactive student status in SGASTDN for the term in which dismissal begins.

  • Enter and advising hold in SOAHOLDfor informational purposes and for clarity to the fact that the student has been dismissed.

  • A new effective term should be created in SGASTDN for the returning term.

  • In SGASTDN student status should be active for the returning term.

  • The Academic Standing Override is entered in SGASTDN for the new effective term, which is the returning term.

  • Once the administrator updates the student status to active, and enters the Academic Standing Override status, the student will then get a time ticket and can register.

  • It is up to the Schools to establish a process for readmitting (activating) dismissed students. Readmission is usually triggered by student request.